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Shasta looks out the window of the plane as they leave Ferntiuktuk, sitting next to his boy Adam. The town fades into the clouds and Shasta settles down, lying his head on Adam's lap and falls asleep. They had a long flight ahead of them. 

Hours later...

Many hours later, the plane jerks in the air and comes to a stop, rolling into a new town that Shasta wasn't familiar of. One thing's for certain was that the whole place looked green and fresh, and there was not a hint of snow anywhere. 

They made it. To Fernfield. 

After gathering their things, the family walked to the bus stop a little ways away. They walked passed what to Shasta looked like a giant yellow mansion, when it was actually the city hall building. And something caught his eye that he couldn't ignore. There were five golden retriever dogs sitting around together in the grass and talking to each other, each of them wearing different accessories to differentiate them apart. They all looked so familiar, and smelled so too. Then he realized who they were, and he immediately bounded over to them. Adam and his mom and dad called after Shasta but he kept running toward the five golden dogs. To excited to slow himself down, he accidentally bumped into one of the golden retrievers and rolled onto the grass. She gave a little whimper and then sniffed him. She then said surprised, "Shasta? Is that you?" 

"Rosebud?" he said. 

"Hey!" One of the golden retrievers shouted, and the others ran over to them. They were yelling at Shasta. "Get your paws off our sister!" 

Just as the dogs were about to tear the husky apart, Rosebud shouted at them. "Boys, stop! It's Shasta!" 

One of the dogs who had his jaws latched around the husky's ear stepped away and looked at the husky with suspicion. A dog wearing a dusty brown bandana took a step to him and sniffed him before looking at his siblings. "Yep, that's Shasta all right." 

"Whaaat?" one of the dogs chimed in, his B bling shining in the sun. "Sorry, dude! We didn't recognize you for a second." 

"Yeah. I thought you were going to hurt our sister," the biggest of the dogs, Budderball, said strongly. Still, he flattened his ears in guilt. 

"That's alright," Shasta said. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other." 

"How did you even get here?" B-dawg asked. 

"And...why?" Budderball added. 

"My boy Adam is on his spring break," Shasta explained, "So we thought we'd visit you guys." 

"That's very nice of you," Buddha said. 

"And we're very happy to have you," Rosebud added. 

"Shasta come on!" Adam's mom shouted. "We need to get to the hotel!" 

Shasta looked back at his family before looking at the Buddies again. "Sorry guys, I have to go now. Maybe we can see each other tomorrow?" 

"Sure!" Mudbud said. 

"We'll be waiting right here," Buddha added. 

Shasta waved them all goodbye with a wag of his tail and turned around to go back to his family. Rosebud watched him leave, feeling some sort of way when she saw him. 

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