One Year Later...

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One year has passed since the Buddies left Ferntiuktuk. One night in Alaska, Adam is riding his sled with his new team of sled dogs, all huskies now with Shasta up in the front, accompanied by Francois and Phillipe, as well as some other new sled dogs. They weren't really out training exactly, but we're just out having fun and admiring the northern lights.

When they got back home, Shasta went into Adam's room, getting ready to go to sleep. Adam says a little prayer and goes to bed with Shasta at his side. Then he jerks his head up and looked out the window, twitching his ear. Looking down at Adam, who was now sleeping, he then gets up out of bed and leaves the house, heading up a snowy hill to a cave where Talon lived. He found him at the entrance looking up and admiring the northern lights. Shasta padded over to him and sat down next to him, looking up at the lights as well.

"You've come a long way, Shasta," Talon said finally to the young dog. "Your mother and father would be very proud of you."

Shasta smiled a little. "Thank you."

Talon glanced at him slightly. "Have you heard anything from the Buddies?"

Shasta shook his head, but he was confident in his words. "I miss them, but will never forget them or how they helped me. I think they feel the same way too. In a way I can still feel their presence even though we're so far apart and it's been so long."

Talon said calmly, "Would you like to see them again?"

Shasta shrugged before nodding. "Yes. I would like to, even if it's just for a day."

Talon grinned knowingly. "There might be a way how you can see them," he said.

Shasta perked his ears, listening. "Like what?"

"Well, its spring break for the boy, is it not?" Talon wondered. "Perhaps he and his family would want to go on a trip to Fernfield."

Shasta was intrigued. That was a very good idea. But how would he get Adam to realize that?

The next morning, when Adam was eating breakfast, Shasta looked at the photo taken a year ago of him and his old dog team with the Buddies. He whimpered loudly to get the kid's attention. Adam put down his spoon in his cereal and got up from the table. "What is it, boy?"

Shasta looked back at Adam and then at the picture. He raised his paw and whimpered again. Adam looked at the photo for a long moment before turning to the husky. "You want to see the Buddies?"

Shasta nodded. Adam thought for a long moment again before calling out for his mom and dad. Shasta lolled out his tongue when he heard Adam ask them if they could go visit the Buddies for spring break.

"Let us talk about this first," his dad said and took his wife into the kitchen. Adam and Shasta reluctantly waited for their response. When they came back, they looked at them eagerly. "Okay," Adam's dad said. "We can go to Fernfield."

Shasta barked happily and Adam cheered as he ran upstairs to his room. Shasta ran after him, helping the boy pack for the plane ride.

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