Chapter 1. The News

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What a grueling day it had been! A relentless influx of patients with trivial complaints and a ceaseless stream of assignments pouring in from Shizune-san and Tsunade-sama. How utterly exhausted I felt! And as Naruto vigorously waved his hand, greeting me, I couldn't help but wish to approach him and wipe that smile off his face with a couple of well-placed kicks.

However, I managed to restrain myself.

We quietly strolled along the evening street, with a cool breeze foreshadowing rain. I huddled deeper into my jacket, seeking warmth.

"Would you like to go somewhere to warm up?" Naruto cautiously inquired. It was only sensible; I would have been cautious too, in his position.

"No," I curtly replied, snuggling further into the collar of my jacket. I longed to reach home swiftly and avoid encountering anyone. Just stretch out my legs, close my eyes, and let my mind drift away from everything!

Naruto sighed in response, as if he had grasped something. Though, I doubted it.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, realizing that fatigue was beginning to fray my nerves.

"Oh, nothing much. I happened to see him the other day," Naruto mumbled.

I even stumbled momentarily but managed to regain my composure. Fatigue momentarily dissipated.

"As always, Sasuke remains cold and aloof, unchanged," grumbled Naruto.

Well, I had hoped he would inquire about me. Yet, nothing of the sort. Just as always. Trying to conceal my disappointment, I buried myself deeper into my collar. And once again, everything began to grate on my nerves with even greater force. "I detest everyone! When I lay eyes on him, I'll knock his head in! It's infuriating!" my inner voice cried out, and I wholeheartedly shared its sentiment.

"You're absolutely freezing! Let's step inside here!" he gestured towards a café known for its delectable milkshakes. The mere sight of those sweet treats churned my stomach. Oh, how I longed for a delightful chocolate-vanilla waffle! A craving for meat surged within me! With blood!

"No, I don't want anything," I responded tersely, intending to make my exit.

"Don't be disheartened, Sakura-chan!" Naruto reached out and practically pulled me into the café. "Come on, let's go in. You're freezing and upset, but it's warm and delicious here," he murmured in my ear, urging me onward.

We were greeted by the symphony of coffee machines, shakers, blenders, and the bustling crowd waiting in line. The enticing aroma of coffee, chocolate, and vanilla wafted through the air, igniting an urgent desire to make a purchase. I poked my red nose out from the collar of my jacket, perusing the menu.

"I'm so sorry, Sakura-chan," Naruto spoke with empathy, his face filled with understanding. And that only compounded matters. When did he become so adept at reading people?

"It's nothing," I grumbled, turning my attention back to the menu.

"Kakashi-sensei is doing everything within his power, but his authority has its limits," Naruto explained. "If he could, Sasuke would have been granted amnesty long ago, and he would have returned to the village."

"I understand," I muttered, looking away.

The foolish milkshakes no longer held my interest. A wave of nausea returned to my throat. I scanned the crowded room, teeming with couples. Almost every table was occupied by affectionate pairs. The lovesick twosomes held hands, smiled, and locked eyes with one another. Only one table housed a solitary girl donning a gray hood. No, I didn't want to be like her. I refused to sit in a café brimming with couples, sipping an overly sweet cocktail all alone! The lone girl swiftly turned around, tucking away strands of dark hair that had escaped her hood, and I realized—it was Hinata! Yes, indeed, it was high time for me to depart.

"Naruto, I truly have no appetite," I declared, halting in my tracks.

"Alright," he sighed, forging ahead through the crowd, paying no heed to my objection. What a blockhead! Hadn't he noticed Hinata?

We had only taken a few steps when I stopped him.

"You should go back," I said softly. "I'll take a stroll. Please pass my greetings to Kakashi-sensei next time you see him."

"He said amnesty is still far off. I apologize," Naruto fidgeted with his plate again.

I let out a sigh. What if this sense of guilt before me is the reason for his cluelessness when it comes to Hinata?

"He also mentioned that it's risky for me to keep meeting him. It could raise suspicions. So, you need to be in the Land of Waves in three days. He'll give you a scroll, and you'll deliver it to Kakashi-sensei," Naruto blurted out in a rush.

I gripped the floor. No, really, he's such a fool! Why couldn't he have started with that?

"When?" I whispered.

"In three days, like I said. And it's better for you to visit Kakashi-sensei tomorrow, as he has a meeting with Gaara or something," Naruto scratched the back of his head.

Idiot! The world's biggest idiot!

Without thinking, I embraced him tightly. He stood frozen, like always, and then awkwardly patted my back.

"Thank you," I whispered. Stepping back, I adjusted his hoodie. "Don't see me off. Go to the café."

"But..." he started.

"I think I spotted Hinata there," I whispered, winking. He blushed! That's right! My spirits soared as if an army of butterflies had lifted a burden from my heart. Without looking back, I dashed home, and the sound of the café's doorbell served as the final chord to a delightful evening.

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