Chapter 6. The end

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A bitter sense of disappointment spread through my body, causing my muscles to contract involuntarily. I longed to both run away and turn back time, so I would never have known Sasuke.

But I compelled myself to smile. Despite the disappointment. Despite the pain. Despite myself.

"How have your travels been, Sasuke-kun?" I murmured hoarsely, surprised by the raspiness in my voice.

He gave me a gloomy look with his black eye, peering out from beneath his thick fringe.

"Did you bring the scroll?" His voice remained steady and cold, as always.

"By the way, everything is going well for me. Work is simply wonderful! Our clinic is gaining significant recognition. We have accomplished so much," I began to share for some inexplicable reason.

His only response to my senseless rambling was a tired sigh. Sasuke turned away, making it clear that he had no intention of listening to such chatter.

I swallowed the tight knot in my throat, which was stifling my voice. And to conceal my emotions, I rummaged in my bag for the scroll.

My fumbling caught Sasuke's attention more than my monologue did.

When I handed him the scroll, he took it gingerly with his fingertips, as if he didn't want to touch me.

"Same time tomorrow," he muttered, turning to leave.

"Sasuke-kun?" I called out, and he turned back. "Are you leaving already?" My voice quivered.

"Do you have anything else for me?" he asked coldly.

I fell silent. I had nothing more to give him. Nothing to say. What can you possibly say to someone who wants to be as far away from you as possible?

"Sakura," he spoke with irritation, "did you have anything else to say?"

I turned away, biting my lip to hold back the tears. It's all so repulsive!

A soft rustle made me turn around. Sasuke had already vanished, leaving behind a void.

And it gaped like a tumor. Unbearable to gaze upon, yet impossible to avert one's eyes. For several infinitely long moments, I stared at the empty space where he had stood before. I stared until the image became blurred and hazy through the veil of tears. It must have been a dramatic sight for the tourists who still wished to catch a glimpse of the distant pier: an enigmatic girl, sobbing alone next to an vacant bench.

Not wanting to disturb anyone further or subject myself to more humiliation, I wiped away the tears and slowly made my way back to the hotel amidst the sympathetic and intrigued whispers of strangers.

By the time I reached the hotel, my tears had dried. I felt an urge to have a drink. There was a time when Tsunade-sama had allowed me to taste her favorite beverage. I remember the sensations vaguely—I can't even recall how I managed to make it home that evening. And that's precisely what I need today.

After approximately three or maybe two hours - I lost track of time - I poured myself more sake. Half of the next bottle was already gone, and I felt like I couldn't focus on any specific object for too long. My cheeks were flushed, and I no longer felt like crying; I just wanted to howl!

But that's how he has always been. Sasuke-kun was never close to anyone; he was always alone! His childhood and his entire life were filled with solitude, revenge, and darkness. And yet, here I am, getting upset with him! I should be saving him!

Determinedly, I pushed the low table aside, causing the cup to jump and sake to spill onto the smooth wood. I didn't care!

I stood up abruptly, nearly stumbling, and walked resolutely towards the exit. I must save Sasuke!

Before leaving, I paused in front of the mirror to fix my hair. And there I saw myself: disheveled, red-faced, with swollen eyes and chapped lips. A monstrous sight, to say the least!

Suddenly, the allure of sake faded. Slowly, I sank to the floor in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection. My hair had grown longer. I remembered that he liked girls with long hair, so I decided to give it another try. How naive of me. Maybe he does like girls with long hair, just not me!

But I still let my hair grow. What else have I done for him? How many times have I compromised myself, my desires, my pride?

I've spent my entire life saving him! Justifying him! Defending him, even to himself! Yes, gods, I was ready to embark on a journey with him after the war!

I covered my face with my hands and shuddered silently in sobs. What kind of fool am I?!

He doesn't need saving. And he doesn't need anything from me, not love, not sympathy—nothing! He made that clear!

I glanced at the sake table and suppressed a wave of nausea. Perhaps it's enough for today. Enough of alcohol, and enough of Uchiha Sasuke. It's over.

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