Chapter 10. The Engagement

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Returning home, I resolutely rid my room of anything that reminded me of Sasuke. I had made a firm decision to let him go, once and for all. These actions nearly erased memories of his warm gaze from my mind. Almost.

Lost in the midst of my cleaning frenzy, I failed to hear the doorbell. I jumped when Naruto cautiously entered my room.

"Do you want to give me a heart attack?! Why scare me like that?" I snapped, my hand frozen mid-swing.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan," Naruto quickly apologized, raising his hands defensively. "Oh, did you get a haircut?"

I stood there, mouth agape. Had he noticed? Naruto? Was it really him?

"Anyway, I don't want to distract you," he sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Hinata and I are inviting everyone to a barbecue tomorrow. I really hope you can come," he stammered, his cheeks turning red.

"So, it's 'Hinata and I,' huh?" I remarked, crossing my arms and feeling my cheeks ache from the broad smile.

Naruto grew even more flustered, but his genuine happiness radiated.

"Of course, I'll come!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking, a tingling sensation in my nose. Overwhelmed with emotion, I impulsively embraced my friend. "I'm glad you've made this decision, Naruto!"

"I am too," he whispered. "Well, I better get going," he announced more loudly. "See you tomorrow at six."

"Okay!" I called after him as he made his way out.

I surveyed my room, devoid of any trace that would remind me of the man who had brought me to tears. It now stood as a lonely, impersonal space, meticulously cleaned to sterility. My heart weighed heavily, like a stone. Setting the mop aside, I gently closed the door to my room and lay down on the bed, curling up into a ball, and squeezing my eyes shut. I didn't want to cry. I had moved on, hadn't I? Everything would be fine, after all!

The barbecue buzzed with activity as the waitress guided me to a spacious corner table where a lively group had already gathered, their voices growing animated. I warmly embraced Hinata, who greeted me with a smile, and exchanged pleasantries with Temari, who poked at her salad with a hint of nervousness. Ino, her cheeks flushed like a vibrant rose, remained seated but eagerly reached out for me, her excitement palpable. I waved cheerfully at Tenten and Lee, causing a deeper shade of red to creep onto Lee's cheeks as he reached for his glass before joining Ino.

"Oh, my dear Sakura-a-a," Ino exclaimed, extending her hands towards me. "How have you been? Did you manage to unwind?" Her playful tone masked any hint of sarcasm, her current state rendering her incapable of such remarks.

"I'm doing well. Here, this is for you," I said, handing her a simple paper bag.

Ino peered inside and her eyes lit up with delight as she discovered the lily I had bought by the seaside.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, leaning against my shoulder. "Did you get a haircut again?" she asked, her expression serious, the smile fading from her face.

I nodded, pouring myself a glass of sake.

"It suits you," she commented thoughtfully. "Is something bothering you?"

There was no hiding anything from a close friend, especially one who remembered well my fondness for long hair.

"I'll tell you later. Today is their day," I nodded towards Naruto and Hinata, who sat at the head of the table, their presence humble. Hinata no longer blushed at Naruto's touch, while he radiated a warmth like that of a miniature sun.

"Yes! My heart is ready to burst! But, strangely, I also feel like throttling someone," Ino grumbled.

I let out a sympathetic sigh. Watching them, one couldn't help but be immersed in a genuine fairy tale of mutual love. A fairy tale that would forever remain absent from my own reality.

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