Chapter 4. The sea

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Three days passed by swiftly, akin to a summer rain, unnoticed amidst the hustle of shopping and endless preparations. I endured half a day on a stuffy train, unable to shake off the notion that Sasuke-kun would be there to greet me at the station. I envisioned his intense, cold gaze, and the mere thought set ablaze a torrent of unbridled passion within me. How did these dreams come to be?

For a fleeting moment, I closed my eyes, lost in reverie of Sasuke, only to snap back to reality and find myself at my destination. How did I manage to sleep through half of the journey?

And, as anticipated, no one awaited my arrival.

The remainder of the day blurred together, washed away by the sweltering heat and humidity, and the weariness of the prolonged train ride. I settled into a modest hotel on the bustling main street, its "sea view" confined to a mere sliver of azure water peeking between neighboring structures. "Well, that wasn't my reason for coming," I reassured myself, though a lingering taste of disappointment mingled with the remnants of a spoiled vacation.

All I could muster was unpacking my belongings and surrendering to the cool breeze of the ceiling fan. Tomorrow was a workday. Tomorrow, I would finally lay my eyes on Sasuke...

The morning greeted me with the unrelenting heat, yet there was a faint scent of hope in the air, suggesting that the day might turn out to be truly delightful. Today was the day I would see Sasuke! I wondered how our meeting would unfold. Would he come to my workplace? Or would he greet me on the street? Perhaps he would invite me to a café? Oh, what if he surprised me later in the evening at the hotel? Just one look from him and I would be completely captivated. The important thing was to hold back any tears and avoid fainting like Hinata.

My hands trembled with these wild thoughts, but thankfully, I managed to gather all the necessary items for work: documents, tools, and the scroll.

As I stepped into the city clinic, I was greeted by the coolness of the air conditioner and a subtle scent of lemon air freshener—reminding me of a hospital setting. Breathing in the cool air, I couldn't help but yearn for the shaded alleys of Konoha and the refreshing breeze. After all, my time by the sea would be limited to just a day! "Never mind, a worthwhile prize awaits me, making it worth enduring the heat," sneered my inner voice, causing me to blush at the mere thought.

However, I quickly composed myself and approached the registration desk.

The lone nurse, dressed in a light pink gown and wearing a medical cap, had her back turned to me. I cleared my throat, trying to catch her attention. At the sound, she turned around, and I nearly dropped the folder containing my documents. It was Karin—red-haired, with full lips and dreamy eyes adorned by long lashes.

She raised an eyebrow in surprise but swiftly altered her expression, transforming into the familiar vixen I knew.

"Sakura Haruno, if my memory serves me right," she purred, remaining seated in her swiveling chair. Crossing her leg, she revealed a glimpse of her slender thigh.

"Good day," I greeted with a touch of indifference. What on earth did that mean?!

"Mhm," Karin murmured. "Hand me the documents, why don't you?" Letting out a sigh, she gracefully rose from her seat and took hold of my folder. "What an impressive portfolio you have! You're quite the discovery!" Karin's words dripped with sarcasm, disregarding my professional accomplishments as she reveled in the competition and jealousy she felt towards Sasuke.

The onboarding process seemed to stretch on endlessly, or perhaps it was just my perception? Minutes passed by as if in slow motion, constantly tempting me to check the clock. And the moment I finally received my pass and could leave, it became the most exhilarating moment of the entire day.

Immersed in my work, I could finally distract myself. I didn't dwell on Sasuke or Karin, or the possibility that this could all be someone's sick prank. I didn't even notice when evening fell.

The refreshing shower at the hotel eased my tired muscles, while the scroll resting on the bed reminded me of the mission. Damn Sasuke! Why did it have to be so difficult for him to simply meet me at the train station, sort everything out, and embark on his grand adventures? Why all this charade with the business trip? Sure, they praised me repeatedly today for being a specialist of my caliber... But it's all draining and precarious!

And why is Karin here? There's something about all of this that doesn't sit right with me! And what frustrates me the most is that I don't understand anything. But indulging in speculation would be akin to madness. I should just ask Sasuke directly. What kind of games is he playing, damn it?!

Completely ruining my mood, I hastily got ready, not even bothering to dry my hair. As soon as I stepped outside, I was greeted by the unbearable heat and humidity in the air. I had the urge to turn back, maybe not to the hotel, but at least to work. However, I forced myself to take a stroll along the main street, observing the peculiar items in the shops. I practically forced myself to focus on anything other than people. Every dark-haired man I saw appeared as Sasuke to me, making me flinch at every glance.

Of course, searching for him would be futile. The meeting place hadn't been specified in advance: he would find me on his own. And that's to be expected; we're talking about Uchiha Sasuke. No matter how much I yearned for it, I wouldn't be able to find someone who has expertly concealed himself for the past ten years.

Yet, the excitement in my heart refused to be quelled. So I aimlessly wandered until my legs threatened to give out.

Soon, darkness enveloped the city, and it sparkled with hundreds of colorful lights. Souvenir vendors were replaced by food stalls, where tantalizing treats were prepared on the spot. Catching a whiff of grilled fish, I realized that I hadn't eaten all day. I bought some street food, indulged in a quick snack, and made my way back to the hotel.

He didn't meet me at the train station. He didn't show up at the clinic. He didn't even reach out. Not at all.

And what was I expecting?

"Romance," whispered my inner voice, pricking at my heart. Once again, I allowed myself to daydream, envisioning an anticipated date. How foolish of me!

"Perhaps he got delayed on the way? Maybe he's still preparing, and he hasn't finished everything yet, so he's running late?" pleaded my inner voice.

Oh, damn it!


Tomorrow will unveil the truth! I smiled to myself, entering my room with a sense of optimism.

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