Chapter 7. Annoying

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The morning weighed heavily on me: a pounding headache, dryness in my mouth, and all the wretched sensations of a hangover. Thankfully, my memory remained intact, and this time I vividly remembered my drunken ramblings. Waves of shame washed over me as I recollected the fierce determination and frenzied passion to save Sasuke, his inner demon tearing him apart!

To compound my misery, the workday progressed horrendously. Everything slipped from my grasp, and concentrating on my tasks grew increasingly challenging with each passing minute. I was tempted to request a vitamin infusion, but my boss allowed me to leave, visibly concerned about my condition. Luckily, she didn't seem to notice the unpleasant odor emanating from me, or perhaps she tactfully chose not to inquire.

Consequently, the workday ended much earlier than the scheduled time for my rendezvous with the man who caused my tears. Catching sight of my reflection in the dressing room mirror, I felt a surge of anger once again. How I despised these long, pink locks—a testament to my foolishness and naivety! If only I could chop them off right now!

By the way, that's actually a brilliant idea! Grabbing my bag, I hurried to the nearest hair salon.

Upon hearing the extent to which I wanted to cut my hair, the stylist expressed genuine dismay, marveling at the smoothness and beauty of my locks. Of course, I had invested more effort into my hair than into freeing myself from this shameful unrequited love. Naturally, I insisted on a significant transformation of my appearance.

Emerging from the salon renewed and refreshed, I felt as if I had been reborn. The weight of my hair and the burden of hope were gone. With a newfound sense of freedom, I strolled through the city, noticing the benches and souvenirs that had eluded me before. No longer did I scrutinize every passerby in search of the man of my dreams and hopes.

But I have changed! I will control myself! I will endure.

The vibrant streets of the port city now delighted my eyes, and the shops and boutiques dazzled with an array of souvenirs. I purchased a beautiful hairpin in the shape of an elegant white lily for Ino, perfectly suited to her hair. After all, my friend would never let me enter the village without a souvenir.

Passing men no longer evoked memories of the brooding brunette, except for one fleeting encounter with a man on the open terrace of a café. Hastily, I averted my gaze, determined not to reopen old wounds. Yes, he bore an uncanny resemblance to Sasuke, but it couldn't be him. It was simple: he haunted me because I was pitiful, perpetually in love without reciprocation. And he had been right when he said I derived a painful thrill from this unrequited love. That stranger was unbearably and agonizingly reminiscent of Sasuke!

I turned away again, dispelling the mirage, only to collide with Karin and her fiery red hair. It was undoubtedly her, clinging tightly to the shoulder of the dark-haired man. Their cold aura and haughty demeanor confirmed my earlier suspicions—this was, indeed, Uchiha Sasuke.

He handed Karin the very scroll I had given him yesterday. She pressed her wretched head against his shoulder, and he didn't push her away.

My fists clenched involuntarily. Biting my lip, I turned away. No tears, only seething rage engulfing my mind. I wanted to destroy everything in that moment! I needed to regain my composure, but how?!

Bastard! He's an incredible bastard! He left the village not to atone for mythical sins, it's all fabrication, all lies! He simply wanted everyone to leave him alone! But if that's the case, he should have stayed away himself. But no— he's always in contact. And that can only mean one thing: he's still spying for Orochimaru. Or even worse. Spying against his homeland and all the people who risked their lives, careers, and reputations for him! Bastard!

Hoping I hadn't been noticed yet, I rushed to the meeting spot. To wait.

He arrived promptly at the designated time, composed and cold, displaying no hint of disturbance as if nothing had occurred. However, my anger is sufficient for everyone.

With my arms crossed over my chest, I awaited, anticipating what he would say, how he would explain himself. Yet, he remained silent.

"Where is the scroll?" I couldn't bear the silence any longer and reached out my hand.

He looked at me apathetically.

"And whom did you meet today?" I snapped, evoking a surprised gaze from Sasuke. Well, that came out awkwardly. But I stood undeterred, defiantly lifting my chin, maintaining his gaze.

"It wasn't a messenger," Sasuke curtly replied.

Just like that. Simply dismissing me like a bothersome fly! A treacherous betrayer!

"How could you?" I hissed. "So many people are risking everything for you, and yet you..."

He didn't even glance at me.

"I believed in you, Sasuke-kun. Always believed in you, waited for you! Loved you!" I paused, realizing I had triumphed: I don't love him. I don't love him anymore. "I thought you had changed," I continued, now calmer. "Thought you had become better."

"You..." he began, and I already knew what would follow. "You're annoying!"

As always. I shook my head and turned away, remaining silent. I had nothing more to say to him. I'm going home.

"Sakura," his voice reached me from behind.

No, I won't accept his apologies, even if he begs on his knees. Even if he professes his love for me.

"Tomorrow, an elderly man with a young child will visit the clinic. The old man has a prominent vertical scar on his right cheek, making him easily recognizable. His grandson suffers from a rare blood disease, and they will be directed to you. Notify Karin when they arrive," Sasuke issued the command without considering whether I would be willing to comply.

I didn't turn around. I didn't respond. Clenching my teeth, I briskly walked back to the hotel.

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