Chapter 5. Sunset

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The third day of my business trip started off quite well. It wasn't excessively hot outside. Instead of Karin, another young lady sat at the registration table, nodding respectfully at me. The patients were uncomplicated, and each case could be confidently considered a success.

But everything changed after lunch.

Karin arrived at the office, replacing the polite girl at the registration desk. She behaved so loudly and obnoxiously that I got distracted and made an error in the medication dosage, resulting in the need for an additional procedure for the patient.

As I was leaving for the hotel, Karin intercepted me. Leaning over the registration desk, her impressive bosom spilling out from her coat's neckline, she beckoned me with a slender finger adorned with a disgustingly pink nail polish.

My initial reaction was to throw a punch. The second, more rational option, was to turn around and leave. However, unfortunately, I remembered that I was a shinobi. I recalled that Karin was a long-time ally of Sasuke's and was clearly present for a reason. So, I approached her, swallowing my pride and suppressing my anger, genuinely hoping that she possessed valuable information, or else I wouldn't be able to control myself. I would strike.

"Sakura," she whispered, glancing over her shoulder as if someone might be eavesdropping. However, we were completely alone in the corridor. "Have you already seen Sasuke-kun?"

I tried to convey my complete indifference through my gaze. Apparently, I didn't succeed very well because Karin smiled, shining like a polished teapot.

"We had a fantastic time with him yesterday. You should visit Lonnie's Bar; they serve excellent beer and tempura-fried shrimp," she purred. "They also feature live music, especially..."

I wasn't listening. My heart pounded somewhere in my temples. Sasuke had been in town since yesterday. He hadn't lingered anywhere. He hadn't prepared for anything. He was amusing himself with Karin.

I blinked, regained my composure, and realized that Karin had been silent for a while, now beaming widely, satisfied with my reaction.

"I think he will find you himself today since you couldn't meet yesterday. You should take a stroll on the pier near the main waterfront, closer to sunset," she playfully adjusted her glasses and took her seat.

"Thank you," I retorted, eager to leave as quickly as possible.

I clenched my teeth and tried not to break any doors or clinic property out of anger. How infuriating this all was!

"She's just trying to manipulate him. She's probably lying on purpose to provoke me," whispered my inner voice. No matter how hard I tried to brush it off, its words were too tempting.

Entering my hotel room, the first thing I grabbed was the scroll, and I was already about to head to the waterfront, but then I confronted my reflection in the mirror.

My long pink hair was disheveled, matted at the roots as if drenched in oil, and the ends resembled a mop. My face was anything but tearless: contorted, angry, and exhausted. And my clothes appeared stale. I took a sniff - I smelled terrible!

Damn it! I tossed the scroll onto the bed and rushed into the shower, hastily stripping off my clothes. The cold water cooled my mind a bit. I even managed to calmly choose my attire - something that Ino particularly liked. Feminine and accentuating my figure's assets. I styled my hair, applied makeup to my eyes, and applied cherry jam-flavored lip balm on my lips. "To make kissing more enjoyable," Ino used to say.

Remembering her words, I blushed but decided not to wash it off.

I grabbed the scroll and dashed to meet the one I had been waiting for so long.

I reached the main pier along the city waterfront and understood why he chose this particular spot. There were several vacant benches, creating a near-empty space. It was quite windy here, and most tourists preferred strolling along the waterfront with its snack bars and shops, enjoying the sunset from the observation deck rather than the low pier.

Approaching the farthest bench, facing the open sea, it felt as if it perched right on the edge, with the spray from the next wave potentially reaching it.

Although I wanted to sit down, I decided to continue walking, curious to see what lay beyond the cliff. And there I witnessed the most breathtaking view of the sunset. The orange sky reflected in every gentle crest of the low waves, transforming the golden hues into precious splashes. The sea seemed boundless in every direction, as if it marked the edge of the world itself. It was an utterly incredible sight!

I couldn't help but gasp in delight, allowing the wet wind to caress my face, carrying tiny salty droplets. Closing my eyes, I surrendered to the sensation of flight, experiencing a profound sense of serenity. The salty air, the cool breeze, and the warm sun combined to create an exquisite harmony. What more could one ask for?

However, the sensation of someone's gaze abruptly broke my reverie. Opening my eyes, I anticipated seeing Sasuke standing before me. Yet, to my disappointment, there was no one there. Once again, the emptiness prevailed.

I turned around, intending to head towards the bench, but then I caught sight of him.

Sasuke stood on the rocks right at the water's edge. The wind tousled his black hair and the edges of his brown cloak. From my vantage point, I could only see his tense back, but that was enough. My heart tightened with longing. Oh, how much I missed him! How I yearned to approach him, press against his back, and inhale his familiar scent... if only for one more time...

In an instant, he turned, our gazes locking. I wished fervently for that moment to last an eternity!

But before I could fully embrace it, he was already by my side, just an arm's length away.

I looked at him, trying to capture his entire presence, to etch it into my memory and never let go. I even bit my lip, suppressing a joyful smile, savoring the taste of cherry jam on my lips. Sasuke, how I had longed for this moment...

"Sasuke-kun..." I murmured, astounded by the tremor in my own voice. He would speak those cherished words now. Something significant would unfold. Now...

"Sakura," he said coldly. "That's unexpected."

And silence descended upon us. The wind continued to tousle our hair and his cloak. He wasn't waiting for me.

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