Chapter 9. A touch

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I awoke to a peculiar sensation, as though someone was gently stroking my head. Raising my gaze, I met Sasuke's weary eyes. He had regained consciousness.

"Hello," he murmured softly. His hand tenderly brushed against my cheek before wearily settling on the couch. I found myself breathless as a blush crept across my face, my cheek still tingling from his touch.

"Thank you, Sakura," he whispered, covering his eyes.

"It was all Karin," I replied after what felt like an eternity, struggling to exhale the air trapped in my constricted lungs. Was this all real? "Sasuke-kun," I began, eager to ask why he had put himself in harm's way, why he had acted so foolishly and heroically. And, more importantly, how he was feeling, whether he was in good health, and if he felt any pain. And... why did he daringly stroke my cheek, the warmth of his fingers lingering, or was it merely a figment of my imagination?... Thoughts eluded me, slipping through my grasp.

Sasuke caught my gaze, his black eyes focused, attentive, and grave. He sighed, about to speak, but his words were interrupted.

"Sasuke-san," an elderly man approached us. "I'm relieved to see you've regained consciousness."

The man I had placed my hopes in averted his gaze, and a pang of disappointment washed over me. The enchantment of the moment dissipated, and the air between us turned frigid, a shard of icy silence. The old man hesitated before continuing.

"I am willing to accept your conditions. And I want to express my gratitude for saving my grandson."

Sasuke remained silent, then fixed his gaze on the elderly man.

"Sakura, please summon Karin," he stated coldly, not bothering to turn towards me.

Carefully, I rose and entered the adjoining chamber. Karin lay there, connected to an IV drip, but her condition had visibly improved. Suigetsu slumbered in an adjacent chair.

"Karin," I gently shook her shoulder, and she awakened instantly. "Sasuke-kun is asking for you."

"Yes?" Karin's face lit up, resembling a scarlet star in the night sky.

"Sasuke has awakened?" Suigetsu mumbled drowsily.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"And the old man agreed?" Suigetsu stood up, stretching his limbs.

I nodded, noticing the radiance fade from Karin's countenance. She rose, leaning on the IV stand, and proceeded towards the neighboring room. I supported her, ensuring she didn't stumble. Her frailty still lingered.

Upon entering the room, Karin handed the scroll to the old man—the very one Kakashi-sensei had given me.

And then it dawned on me: the entire operation had been meticulously orchestrated, save for the explosion, perhaps. Yet, in my stead, Naruto was meant to be there. Everything had been tailored to his presence, which explained why Karin was working at the clinic.

"Let's go," I suggested, guiding Karin back to her room.

"I'm fine," she assured me. "You, on the other hand, could use some rest. You look pale. In fact, you look worse than me."

"That's not true. I can't possibly look worse than you," I countered, unable to suppress a smile.

"Well, you certainly can," Karin chuckled.

I carefully settled her onto the couch and glanced out the window—the sky had considerably brightened. After a brief moment of contemplation, I made my way back to the hotel.

Having only managed a couple of hours of sleep, I returned to the clinic once again. The old man was still at his grandson's side, but Sasuke was nowhere to be found. It was to be expected, yet a pang of regret tugged at my heart. It felt as if something significant was meant to unfold, but now it seemed forever out of reach. Another fragment of my heart seemed to have been torn away, the most vital one, casting my life into the shadows.

Karin, looking revitalized, greeted me in the corridor, pulling me back to the present moment.

"Is today the final day of your business trip?" she playfully twirled a strand of red hair around her finger.

I nodded, organizing the travel documents in my folder.

"You're an exceptional doctor, Sakura. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with you. If Naruto were here, perhaps the operation wouldn't have gone as smoothly. We were truly fortunate to have you here," she said, squeezing my hand before heading off to fetch some water.

I observed her, uncertain if her words held genuine sincerity or if she was merely engaging in playful banter.

"Thank you," I replied. "Regardless, I'm relieved it's all over."

"Oh, the relief I feel!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "By the way, take this!" She handed me a scroll. "It's from Takashi-san, your Hokage."

"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude as I accepted the scroll.

Before departing, I visited the old man's room once more to inform him that I would be delighted to see him in Konoha. Takashi-san attempted to express his gratitude once again for rescuing his grandson, but I insisted that it was all thanks to Uchiha Sasuke.

Unintentionally, my gaze shifted to the vacant spot on the couch where Sasuke had lain the day before. He was gone. Perhaps our paths would never cross again.

Yet, how could I let go when he had once again claimed a piece of my heart?

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