Chapter 8. Goodbye

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I rushed into the hotel, grabbed my suitcase, and began hastily packing my belongings. Let them get all crumpled, it doesn't matter! The most important thing is to escape from this cursed place, far away from that wretched Uchiha with his black eyes! To hell with work, the clinic, and the mythical old man with a scar! And if there's a note in the report about an unfinished mission, even the best make mistakes. It doesn't matter! I'll ask Naruto to take over for me. Or better yet, let Kakashi-sensei deal with it himself; it's probably his idea anyway.

As I stumbled upon the bag of weapons, I paused. I lifted the Konoha headband and gazed at my reflection in the cold metal for a moment. Am I a true ninja? Is this how a real kunoichi behaves? Can a ninja put their own interests and emotions above their duty to friends and the village? No, I have no right to behave like a Uchiha deserter.

I clenched the headband and kicked the suitcase, sending it flying towards the opposite wall. Whatever, I'll manage!

The next day, just as Sasuke had predicted, the old man with the scar on his cheek arrived at the clinic. Indeed, his grandson was afflicted with the rare blood disease. Tsunade-sama had spoken about such cases; it's a highly complex condition. With the limited equipment available here, all I could do was perform basic procedures to purify the child's blood. It alleviated the symptoms but did not cure the disease. They needed to go to Konoha so that Tsunade-sama herself could examine the boy. With the advanced equipment she had installed at the main clinic, the child stood a chance at recovery.

But for now, I kept silent about it, not wanting to reveal my connection to Sasuke. If the old man is crucial to the mission, it's best for me to refrain from mentioning Konoha.

I immediately signaled Karin as soon as they arrived. While I busied myself with the IVs and prepared the child for the procedure, Sasuke silently entered the room. I flinched, but refrained from saying anything.

He closed the door behind him and quietly approached the old man.

"No," the old man said fearfully.

"Takeishi-san," Sasuke spoke warmly.

Well, isn't he capable of being considerate! Such a pleasant voice, so warm. I've never heard anything like that directed at me before.

They exchanged words for a while, speaking softly in muted tones. Meanwhile, I continued to attend to the child.

"He likes you," the boy whispered. "Do you want me to call him so you can meet?"

"No, thank you!" I replied firmly, smiling to myself. It seems I still give off the impression that I find Uchiha appealing. I wonder if that will ever change? I almost lost control of my chakra due to these thoughts, but I regained my composure just in time. "Don't distract me, lie still."

The boy stuck his tongue out at me and settled back on the pillows. The procedure had given his face a healthy glow, with rosy cheeks.

"I said no. I won't tarnish my name by associating with a deserter!" the old man snapped, catching me off guard once again. I glared at them intensely and refocused on the treatment. "Get out!" the old man whispered menacingly.

"Takeishi-san, Konoha will help. I implore you!" Sasuke persisted.

"No," the old man whispered.

I heard the rustle of clothing as Sasuke walked past me as if I were invisible, opened the door.

A peculiar sense of danger momentarily distracted me from the procedure.

In an instant, I'm swept away by an explosive wave. I shield the boy and feel something soft and heavy striking my back. The air is forced from my lungs, the light dims, and a cloud of dust and dry concrete engulfs everything in sight. Pain. Darkness.

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