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Sakura's POV

The sun peeked through the cracks of the curtains. My eyes pried open as the light met my emerald lenses. I turned to my side. Just like every day, there was a cold opening in my large bed. I turned onto my back, my arm resting on my forehead. 

"Another day without him," I said. 

I miss you, Sasuke. I really do. 

I slowly woke myself up and sat up as I stretched myself out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee. I opened the fridge and get an assortment of fruits, vegetables, and more. A  breakfast hash and parfait. An impeccable variety for a diet. Since Sasuke had been here last, I've began to remiss my weight. Knowing he could return any day, any minute at that, reminded me to shape up. 

I ate as the caffeine slowly is absorbed into my veins. After breakfast, I began daily cleaning. Dishes, sweeping and mopping, dusting, laundry, and really anything to tide me over until I needed to leave. I gathered my things and put my uniform on. I grasped the front door handle and opened the door to leave. A piece of mail sat at my feet. I took hold of it, immediately recognizing the paper, handwriting, every single detail. There was no doubt, Sasuke had sent a message. 

I peeled the envelope open without hesitation, rushing to see the latest update. 


I have received no new mission until quite a few months from now unless told otherwise. I will be returning home as soon as possible. 


My face became red and warm. He's coming back...?

Only a few days later...

I woke up, the same sunlight casting onto my face. It woke me up with a groan as it tugged me out of the comfort of my bed. I once again made breakfast and coffee, letting it energize me for the day. The hospital had been bare so I had a few weeks off. There was no use in me being there to do nothing. I opened the door to gather mail, a man standing there, crouching at the step as he seemed to be gathering my letters and articles. It didn't make me upset. He wasn't a thief. He was my husband. 

"Sasuke, welcome home," I welcomed. 

He nodded a thanks, or what I assumed to be one, as he walked inside. 

"Sorry the house isn't clean," I began. 

He practically ignored my comment and sat on the couch. I approached him and sat next to him. 

"I-Is everything ok, darling...?" I asked. "Stay here," he said as he got up and walked to the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

My heart skipped a beat and a gulp slipped heavily down my throat. Moments later he returned, out of uniform and his katana put away. 

"Darling...?" I began. 

He looked at me and joined me on the couch. He rested his arm atop my leg. 

"Sorry," he replied softly. "What's going on?" I asked. "Am I not allowed to make myself at home at my own house?" He asked. "That's not what I was saying. It's just, you were so quiet and then you asked me to stay here so I wasn't sure-" My sentence was interrupted by a pair of lips on mine. 

I sat in shock and soon returned it. He wasn't affectionate anywhere but behind closed doors. He broke it shortly after. 

"Does that clear it up?" He asked with a small  grin. I blushed intensely, gaining a sheepish chuckle out of him. He gently pulled me into him. 

"I'm home," he finally said. "Would you like dinner? I'll make anything you'd like," I smiled. He smiled a bit and nodded. I already knew what he wanted. It was simple. Anything with tomatoes. 

About twenty minutes passed and dinner was on the table. I walked out to the living room to see my husband relaxed on the couch asleep. I smiled warmly and laid on his chest. He didn't stir. He knew it was me. I kissed him on his jawline, hoping he would slowly awaken for dinner. He peeked his eyes open. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. 

"Dinner is ready, darling," I whispered gently. "No...stay here..." he said sleepily. I move myself closer to his ear. "It was made with tomatoes...please?" I asked. I saw him hold onto a smile. 

He slowly got up and joined me at the table. He practically devoured the meal in seconds. It was clear that he hadn't had a well prepared meal in a long time. After he was done, I gathered the dishes. I put them in the sink and began to wash them as Sasuke went to the living room to read his book he had gotten a while ago from me. 

As I dried dishes, I felt an arm wrap around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked as I continued drying a bowl. 

"I...missed you.." he admitted shyly. I turned to face him and hugged him. "I missed you too. Nothing to be shy about. We're husband and wife after all." I smile. "Hn. Right," he said. 

After dishes were done, we went to the bedroom. We laid down and looked at each other calmly. He brushed the hair out of my face and I did the same to him. 

"Your hair is getting long, darling," I giggle. "I know. Maybe you could trim it while I'm home?" He shyly requested. I smiled softly as I wrapped myself into the warmth of his body. "Since it's summer, do you want it as short as your early days?" I asked. "No, just a trim like last time," he said as he held me close. 

And with that, we dozed off. 

The morning came much faster than it used to. I woke up, welcomed by a warmth rather than a cold opening. I looked up at my husband, who silently slept. I smiled gently. 

"What is it, Sakura?"  He asked, frightening me. "You're awake..?" I asked in shock. He chuckled. "I was up long before you. Breakfast is waiting," he said. "You made breakfast?" I asked. "Of course. You made dinner so I thought I'd try my hand at cooking," he smiled. I gave him a hug and got up, beginning to walk out of our bedroom. 

"Hold it right there," he said as he got up and walked quickly to my side. I looked to him and before long his face was in front of mine. "You forgot something..." he began before he kissed me. That's right. Good mornings. Just like how we had done them before, how could I have forgotten? I returned the affection and soon it was released. 

"Now you may go," he said as he turned around to make the bed. "Are you coming?" I asked. "I already ate," he replied. I shook my head in disbelief. This man was truly a lone wolf. Soon, he joined me in the dining room. He came behind me and kissed the back of my neck. "What's with all the affection all of a sudden?" I ask. "I've been gone for months. I'm not a robot, I have needs too. Be ready for anything, Uchiha," he whispered slyly into my ear before kissing my neck again and walking to the living room. It sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps throughout my entire body. 

After breakfast, I took care of my dishes as he had already done his. "I'm going to shower," he said as he got up and went to the bathroom next to our bedroom. I sat at the table, reading a book he had gotten me for my birthday a while back. I had read it countless times, though every time I read it, the book seemed brand new. I studied each word in chapter 15. I still felt as if I was missing something. I would have to ask Sasuke maybe. I put my book down and walked to the bedroom to gather dirty laundry. The bathroom door opened and Sasuke emerged as I walked into him, holding a basket of laundry. 

"Dirty laundry," he said as he threw what he just had on only minutes ago into the bin. He stood there, his waist wrapped in a towel. His hair was still dripping of shower water, his body emerging from the steam. My face flushed red. 

"Is there an issue?" He asked. I shook my head and slipped past him to do the laundry. I started the laundry and went to the bedroom to get changed for the day. I shut the bedroom door and started to get changed when the door opened. 

"Hey, did I do-"Sasuke started as he laid eyes on my half nude body. We froze. "I..I'll ask another time," he said in shock as his face flushed red and he left, shutting the door behind him. I covered my face in embarrassment. We're married yet I'm still so embarrassed. I got changed and walked out, immediately sitting back down to read chapter 15. 

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