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Sasuke's POV

"What is it, darling?" Sakura asked as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I was called on a long mission, damn you, Kakashi," I sighed. "How long...?" She asked. "It didn't specify, usually meaning a longer one," I said.

"Let me join you."

"Are you insane? Sakura, you'll be killed. These aren't missions like the old days," I growled. "Don't underestimate me, Sasuke. Plus, you should have a med nin with you if they're that dangerous," she argued.

"Sakura. Leave it alone, dammit!" I said sternly.

She froze. My eyes kept on hers. She got up and walked to the bedroom, slamming the door. The house shook. I sighed and rubbed my temple in frustration. I walked slowly to the bedroom door, my ear against the door. Crying. I knew it. I cracked the door open to see her staring at herself in the mirror, holding her stomach in shame it seemed. I opened the door all the way, making my presence known. Sakura wiped her tears quickly and let her stomach go.

"Come here," I said as I sat on the bed. She walked to me and sat down. "I want to bring you along, Sakura, I really do. It's not a matter of me saying yes. It's Kakashi. It's this villages needs. More than anything, it's...it's us," I said. "What do you mean 'us'?" She asked. "I just...I don't want to ruin your idea of me or the image in your head when you hear my name to be quite frank."

Sakura giggled. I didn't get it. Did I say a joke?

"Sasuke, it won't ever change. I watched you battle countless times. You are an elite shinobi. That, my dear, will always be the image in my head," Sakura said before kissing me on the cheek. "I will ask Kakashi in the morning before I leave. For now, let's spend today like it's our goodbyes," I said. "Ok. Is there anything you wanna do?" The pinkette asked. "Not that we didn't do last night..." I smirked. Her face flushed red. "Unless you wanted more of it?" I asked. Her face was painted bright red, nearly neon. I leaned into her and kissed her. "Don't leave me alone, Sakura. I still need you," I said.

"I know you do, you softie," she replied. She pushed me back onto the bed. "What's this?" I asked her. "Just loving on my incredibly hot husband..." she smirked before climbing on top of me and kissing me. I put my hand on her waist and pulled her into me. This wasn't a lustful kiss. This was a gentle yet passionate kiss, showing how bad she wants me to stay with her. "Sasuke..." she began between kisses. "What is it, Sakura?" I asked. 

"Please...don't leave me here alone again," she pleaded. I sighed. "Let's go," I said, getting out of bed to put my shoes on. "Sasuke, where are we going?" Sakura asked, following me to the door as she put her shoes on. "The Hokage tower. We're asking Kakashi for permission to let you join me," I said. Sakura stood in a bemused state. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

We practically ran to the tower. I swung the heavy door to my former teacher's office open. "Sasuke, Sakura, what is it?" The gray haired Kage asked urgently. "I want to ask permission for Sakura to join me on my mission," I said. He pondered for a moment. "It's a good idea to have a medically trained ninja with you. I approve. I will make arrangements for your absence at the hospital then, Sakura," the man nodded. We bowed our gratitudes and walked home. 

Hours passed and it was time for bed. We needed the rest as our journey was long. The mission was placed in the Hidden Sound Village, estimating just over two days with rest and any issues that come across. Without stopping, it would be about 30 hours. We laid next to each other, Sakura pushing herself into my chest as I wrapped an arm around her. "Get rest, Sakura. It's a long trip so we'll leave in the morning."

Daybreak creeped onto us. We gathered our things and locked the door as we left. Sakura let a yawn creep through. I glanced at her and took her hand before looking away again. She smiled at me as we continued down the dirt path. "So, what exactly is this mission?" Sakura asked. 

"We're going to the Sound Village. There has been an assassin group called the 'Katana'. There are three or four members as of last discovered. Our job is to watch them, study their habits and routines, and bring them to an end," I explained as I gave her the scroll that held the information. 

"Won't we be passing near the old Taka hideout?" Sakura asked. That reminded me. Suigetsu and Karin were still there. Jugo would stay there occasionally, but for the most part he stayed on the road. "Maybe we'll pay a visit," I sighed as I reminisced. Sakura smiled at me and gave my hand a small squeeze. "If we make it in time, maybe our next stop could be the hideout! It would be nice to see them again," Sakura beamed. Her chakra resembled the sun; bright and warm. 

We continued for hours upon hours. Dusk began to fall. We were still about two hours from the halfway point. "We have about two hours until our halfway point. Would you like to keep going? I know it's getting to be dark," I asked. "I can keep going if you can," she replied. I nodded as we continued.

We got to our halfway mark and set up camp. Before long, we fell asleep to regain our energy for the last leg of the journey. Sunrise had once again creeped onto us. It seemed we never got the long amounts of rest we used to. We packed our things and continued our journey. 

Today we would arrive at Oto - The Sound Village. 

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