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Mid-July —> Late September

Sakura's POV

I woke up in the hotel room Sasuke and I had been staying at. Sasuke was awake already. The clock read 8:57 a.m. as the sun peeked through to cast itself into our room. He glanced at me, smiling a little. "How long have you been awake?" I asked with a yawn. "Only a little while," he replied. 

A sudden nausea arose in me. I sprinted to the bathroom, kneeling on the floor as I heaved into the toilet. Sasuke rushed to my side. "Sakura, are you ok?" He asked immediately. The nausea ceased as I replied with a grunt. "I-I think so," I said. He rubbed my back in comfort as I processed what it could be. It was probably just a stomach bug I had caught while being in another village. I shook my concerns away and stood up. "I'm ok. What's on the agenda today?" I asked. 

"Getting you looked at. We're going to 'visit' Karin and Suigetsu," Sasuke opted. I looked to him. "Sasuke, I'm fine, really, I-" "We're going," he interrupted. I knew there was no way to convince him. I just felt bad that he had to take care of me; all because I came along on the mission. 

We embarked on our short trip to the Taka hideout. Sasuke held me close to him the whole time, concern stirring inside of him. "Dear, I'm fine, I promise," I tried to convince. He looked at me intensely, as if he were angry. "S-Sorry, I'll leave it alone," I said. A sigh slipped out of me when we arrived at the Taka hideaway. 

"Karin," Sasuke acknowledged as the bright redhead walked past him. "Sasuke, Sakura, what're you doing here?" She asked in astonishment. "I need you to take a look at Sakura. She's under the weather," he said as he looked at me. I looked away in embarrassment. Why did he have to cause all of this trouble? It's just an upset stomach.

"Follow me, this way," Karin said as she lead me to a large room. It had a medical table and a counter with drawers upon drawers, filled with what I hoped was medical equipment. "What are your symptoms?" She asked. "Nausea. I threw up first thing this morning. I didn't tell Sasuke, but I had been feeling nauseous for a little while. Maybe a few weeks? I just started to throw up this morning though," I explained. She closed her eyes in thought. 

"Do you know if you've eaten something bad in the last little while?" She asked as she took my vitals. "I don't think I have. It's been mostly food pills. I was thinking it could be a bug I caught from traveling since it's been so long," I mentioned. "Right, but that wouldn't last for weeks, would it? You also said it's getting worse," she thought. "Right..." I thought. 

"Have you and Sasuke been...active?" She asked, a blush creeping on both of our faces. "Yes, but only once since he came back home, the middle of last month," I explained. She looked at a calendar that held itself proudly on the wall. She counted weeks leading back to the week he came back. "Was protection used? I know you don't want to talk about this side of your relationship and I don't exactly want to hear it. I need to know so we can follow up," Karin huffed. I thought about it. "Now that I think about it...I don't think so..." I admitted. 

Karin took out her ultrasound tech kit and immediately began the process. She put the cold jelly on my stomach and hipline, placing the sensor stick on and rubbing it around as she looked at a small screen in front of her. Her eyes widened as she froze. "W-What is it, Karin...?" I asked. 

"Congratulations. You're going to be a mother."

My eyes grew wide. My hand gripped my mouth. "Can you tell how far along I am...?" I asked. "It looks like you're about 10-12 weeks along. As you know, pregnancy will start to show at around 16-20 weeks. You may want to mention this to Sasuke," Karin suggested. "Yeah. I will," I said. "I do want to keep you here overnight. You're pregnant, yes, but if you aren't ready to tell Sasuke, I'll make you an alibi," she sighed. "Thank you. I really appreciate it, Karin," I said with a weak smile. "Of course. After you tell him, let me know and I'll give you supplements to help keep you healthy while you're on this mission." 

Karin was a lifesaver. I got up and searched for the raven haired man. I found him in Suigetsu's office. "Sakura! Is everything ok?" He asked. "I will be. Karin wants us to stay here tonight to keep an eye on me," I sighed. "Let's go to the bedroom. You need to rest if you want to get better," he insisted. Who knew he cared this much? We arrived in what I assumed to be where he used to stay. He brought me to the bed and 'helped' me lay down. "Sasuke, I'm ok, really," I assured. He looked back to me. 

"I know what's going on."

I looked at him. "You're worried about the mission," he said. "Sasuke, that's not-" "What the hell is it then?" He interrupted in frustration. He sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Sakura, please. Tell me what's going on. I-I'm worried," he said, embarrassed. I sighed. "Please don't be upset, Sasuke. I...I'm with child." I said, looking at my stomach. He looked at my stomach and hesitantly placed his hand on my stomach. "We...we're going to be parents...?" He asked. I nodded in approval. He wrapped his arm around me, holding me tight. 

"Sakura...thank you."

I turned my head towards his. I kissed the top of his head. "What about the mission...?" I asked. "You will stay here. I will come back to rest and see you," he smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded softly. "Now that we have a child on the way, I will make sure nothing happens to you," he said before he kissed my forehead. 

There wasn't much to say. I just smiled. 

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