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Sasuke's POV

Seeing Sakura rest on the bed gave me a sense of comfort. She had been pregnant for a while now. She'd been traveling on this mission with child. The thought of that made me nervous. What could've happened if an enemy took her? I shook the images out of mind. She was safe and that's what mattered.

Two weeks later...

I walked into the hideout's entrance. It was time for another ultrasound. Our first one that we got to see. I walked to the room I had Sakura stay in. She was still asleep, even though it'd been past noon. The baby she was expecting took a lot out of her. I walked to her side and brushed her hair out of her face. She woke up slowly. "Did you forget, dear?" I asked. She nodded and slowly sat up. Karin wanted to get ultrasounds every two weeks. Since she was so stressed all the time, she wanted to not only monitor the baby, but Sakura too.

Sakura got ready and we walked to Karin's office. Sakura got herself set on the table nervously. I walked to her side and held her hand. Karin got the ultrasound prepared as she finished getting her vitals. She put the jelly on Sakura's stomach and placed the sensor on it. "Would you like to see?" Karin asked. We both nodded, eager to see our growing child.

There was our child. So tiny. We smiled at each other. "Within the next little while, you may begin to feel the child move. I know you already know all of this, I'm just reminding you," Karin said. I stared at the screen, looking at the images of the child growing. Karin left the room and we went back to ours. "Sasuke?" Sakura asked. I looked at her.

"What happens if I give birth before you make it back...?" Sakura asked as worry painted her face completely. I looked into her eyes. "I will be here for the last month of your pregnancy. I talked to Kakashi already and told him about your pregnancy," I said. She sighed and leaned into my chest. "I could go into a battle without a single worry. Pregnancy is terrifying me though," she admitted. "Why's that?" I asked. "As a doctor, I know the risks of having a child. Not only for the child but for me too. No matter how much rest I get, it won't change the risks," she said.

I sighed. "Would you like me to stay with you for the next few months until the baby gets here?" I asked. "I don't want to put anything in jeopardy, darling. You have a mission to compl-" "Kakashi can arrange an ANBU platoon. You are more important," I cut in. "I read that stress is bad for the baby. If me staying back to be with you helps keep you relaxed, then so be it. It will be Kakashi's issue to handle. He's the Hokage after all."


Apologies for a late notice letter. I need to stay with Sakura. In order for her to carry the child safely, I need to back down from this mission. Once again, apologies.


I sent a hawk with the note tied to it. It would arrive in no time. "Sakura, I am officially off duty," I smiled as I laid down next to her. I knock echoed into the room. I sat up as Sakura followed behind me. Karin opened the door. "Hey, I have the baby's due date if you'd like it," she said as she studied a paper. "Yes, please," Sakura said. "April 5th," Karin smiled. "Thank you, Karin," Sakura replied as the redhead left. I looked at my wife.

"Today is October 5th. That means exactly six months until we meet our baby," I smiled. "Unless they can't wait or want to wait longer," Sakura commented. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before laying back down. "Wanna go to bed, dear?" She asked me. I nodded as she turned into my chest.

"Sa-Sasuke...." Sakura's voice called weakly. She laid in a small basin of blood. I assumed it to be her own. My sword glared at me, laying about a foot away from my wife. I turned around before I heard a mind peeling sound. A baby's cry. I looked back to my wife, who know held a crying child. My eyes began to tear up. "Sh-Shit...Why can't I move my body?" I shouted. I wanted to run to them, to save them from whatever danger I felt approaching.

It was the same chakra I sensed many many months ago.

"Shit!" I yelled as I shot up. I covered my mouth, not meaning to shout outside of the dream. Sakura got up quickly. "Sasuke, what's going on?" Sakura asked, wide awake now. "I'm sorry. It's nothing. Another dream. I'm going to step out. I'll be back, get rest," I said before getting up.

I walked outside and sat atop the hill nearby. Just who the hell was that? What is going on? Why months apart? Dammit, what is it? I snapped out of my thoughts as Suigetsu jumped next to me to sit. "Dream?" He asked. I sighed. "It'll be ok. We can protect her," he added. "My wife is not weak. No need to protect her. She'll probably save your sorry asses more than you save her," I said.

I got up and returned to my wife. She sat on the bed, anxiously waiting for my return. "Sasuke..?" She asked in deep concern. "Sakura, please, don't worry about me. It was just a nightmare. Let's rest," I suggested. She looked at me with deep disquietude. I kissed her vehemently, hoping it would get my point across. I released the kiss. "Everything is ok, darling," I soothed. She gave a gentle smile before falling asleep again. The night was young. It would be a long one for me though. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep after the gruesome nightmare that had already happened.

Was everything really ok?

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