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Sasuke's POV

Early November —> Late December

We knew this would be different. After all, we were at the Taka hideout. The snow danced on the Taka pathway. We had a small area in the back that led to the woods. I walked down the woodland path and sighed, my breath a fog. I turned around. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed? Sakura, you're nearly seven months along," I worried. Her stomach presented itself prominently. I brought myself in front of her and placed my hand atop her stomach.

"Sasuke, I'm tired of resting. Can I at least walk with you?" She asked. "Are you cold?" I asked. She shook her head in reply. I let out a sigh and held her hand as we wandered the path. She rested her hand naturally on her stomach, like it was an arm rest. We made our way back to the bedroom. "Sakura?" I asked. She turned her face to me. "How are you feeling? Are you well enough for the appointment today?" I asked with worry. "I'm feeling fine, Sasuke," she sighed.

Sakura laid by my side as I sat on the bed. I read a book that Karin gave me at the appointment about how labor works. Sakura knew everything already but most of it went over my head when she tried to explain it. I studied the paragraphs and diagrams of each page, finally understanding everything. I looked to her resting peacefully. That would be the exact opposite in a mere few months.

(So sorry for all of these time skips...)

Late December —> Late March

"Sasuke?" Sakura called from the bathroom. "Yes, dear?" I asked as I approached her. "I can't move, I'm in so much pain right now. Could you start a bath and help me in?" She asked. I nodded and prepped her bath, pouring in some lavender and epsom salts to help relax her muscles. I made the bath and helped her undress before assisting her into the warm water. "Would you like to join me? I'm sure you could use one too," Sakura said. I sighed and nodded before joining her.

I sat behind her as she leaned back into me. "Are you comfortable?" I asked. She nodded and turned to kiss my neck. I tilted her head to me and pressed my lips to hers. "Fuck it," I sighed before pushing my tongue into her mouth. "Mm...S-Sasuke.." she groaned. "Hush. Let's enjoy this quietly," I rasped. I continued to tease at her tongue as I rubbed my hand down her arm.

"S-Sasuke..." She began. "Don't talk..." I huffed. "No, dear.." She started again. My eyebrows furrowed. "What?" I asked in frustration. "I-I think my water just broke..." She said in shock. I leaned forward to drain the bath and get out. "I'll get Karin. Stay here. Let me get dressed," I said. I hurried to the small stack of clothes by the bed and changed, running out to Karin.

"It's only the 30th! She's supposed to have nearly a week!" Karin yelled as we ran back to the room. "She's in the bath. She was sore so I had her in one. I drained the water already so we can get her changed and ready for delivery," I explained. We finally made it. I ran to my wife's side as she breathed heavily, seeming to be exhausted already. "What's wrong? You're out of breath," I asked. "I-I tried to get up," she said. "I told you to stay put. That doesn't matter now. Let's get you dried off and into something comfortable," I sighed as I helped lift her out of the bath.

We got her into some more comfortable clothes before beginning to Karin's office, where our daughter would be born. "Dammit. I take it we don't have anything for an epidural?" Sakura groaned. "I'm sorry. I don't usually have to deliver a child. We don't. If needed, we can always have Sasuke use medical ninjutsu to possibly help reduce pain," Karin said as she opened her door. We got her on the bed as Karin hooked her up to oxygen and an IV whilst checking her vitals.

I held her hand gently as I comforted her. I never really knew how to help her in the situations. "Breathe, Sakura. You're doing great. I know it hurts. You can do this," I soothed. She looked at me, sweat and tears already painted across her face. She rested her forehead on mine as she tried to control her breathing. "Sakura, you're 4 centimeters dilated. You're doing great," Karin said.

I could tell she was full of doubt. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze before giving her a soft smile of encouragement. She threw her head back into the pillow as a contraction waved through her, the pain coursing through her. She grunted as she breathed. She may have been in pain but holy fuck, she was still as pretty as the day I met her. She looked at me. "What's with the look, Sasuke?" She questioned. "You're beautiful," I replied. "This isn't the time for compliments, darling," she groaned.

"Sakura. It's time," Karin said as she put her gloves on. Sakura looked at me, tears already forming. I couldn't tell if they were from fear, pain, shock, or anything else. That didn't matter. What really mattered was me being there for my wife and safely delivering our daughter. "Push!" Karin said. Sakura began to push as Karin directed her.

At this point, I'm not sure if my hand was broken or not. I had no feeling. But once again. None of that mattered. "Come on, Sakura. You can do this," I encouraged. She pushed her head into me as she pushed, groans and screams slipping out. I kissed her forehead as she continued. I could tell she was growing tired and weak. I surged a small thread of my chakra to her, hopefully giving her even an ounce of strength.

A baby's cry echoed through the room.

"She's here. Sarada is finally here," I said with tears streaming down my face.

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