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Sakura's POV

The sunrise painted itself through the windows of our room. Sasuke was up already, I could hear him in the shower connected to our room. I got up and made the bed. I sighed as I felt my normal nausea creep in. I walked to the bathroom and went through the now normal morning routine. "Are you ok?" Sasuke asked as he peeked at my after moving the shower curtain aside a hair. "I think so. It's not easing up this time. I'll talk to Karin after," I replied after a little while. "I'm worried about you. Let me come along," he said. 

A little while passed and it eased. We both went straight to Karin. She took a chance at an ultrasound to see if it was something wrong with the baby. "I'm not getting a clear image, dammit," Karin cursed. "Do you need my to move?" I asked. "No. I need to try a...different kind of ultrasound," Karin said shyly as she looked at me and then to Sasuke. "U-Uhm...Sasuke, would you mind stepping out for a few moments?" Karin asked. "No. I want him here," I butted in. 

Karin looked at me in shock. "If he's going to be there for the birth, he should be here for everything else. He's the father, and my husband," I said. He stood close to my head as Karin continued. She was able to get several images and before long she turned the lights on and started to study them with me. 

There was nothing wrong. The baby was healthy, I was healthy, it was just how my body was reacting to being pregnant. It still made me wonder what it was though, even though there were no signed of any issues. 

"What has you thinking, Sakura?" Sasuke asked. "It's nothing. I'm ok," I said as I got in bed. He let out a heavy sigh and pushed himself into my chest. "You know, you make me worry. I may be the elite Uchiha survivor, but that doesn't mean I can't worry," he grumbled. "I'll be ok, Sasuke," I said before kissing the top of his head. 

Since I told him I was pregnant, all he wanted me to do was rest. He was worried about me. I sighed and held him close. "You worry way too much, darling. Really, I'll be just fine," I chuckled. He looked me in the eyes, his Sharingan activated. "Honey, it happened again," I pointed out. He realized his red eye had been provoked. He quickly deactivated it. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's ok, you're worried about me so I know you can get pretty tense. It happens," I said. 

I pushed my head into my pillow and heaved a sigh. "Headache?" Sasuke asked. "How did you know?" I returned. "You tensed up. I know pregnancy can cause things like headaches too, especially if you're stressed. You should sleep maybe," he said. "I'm tired of sleeping," I sighed. "Only a few more months," Sasuke said. 

Late September —> Early November

The days began to grow colder. I was about four months through my pregnancy, a small bump sat on my stomach. Sasuke's favorite thing to do was rest his hand on the bump. It oddly enough gave him a sense of comfort. Since we hadn't packed much, I wore his cloak to keep me warm most days. It also smelled of him, which brought me warmth. "Sasuke?" I asked. He looked to me, giving me his full attention. "Why are we staying here rather than going back to the village now that you're off the mission?" I asked. 

"I figured walking such a distance would be uncomfortable and unnecessary. We have Karin here who's been helping you along your pregnancy," he explained. "If you want to be in the Leaf, I can arrange that," he added. "Whatever you feel up to, dear," I said. I was the one who was carrying a child yet it still didn't matter to me. "Let's stay. It'll be more comfortable for you to travel after the child is born rather than while you're carrying," Sasuke decided. We came to an agreement; our child would be born here, at the Taka hideout. 

"Is everything ok? Sasuke asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Well, I just...I just kind of made a decision for you. You're the one carrying, so you should be the one to decide," he sighed. "Sasuke, if you think it's best to stay here, then we will. I'm not upset," I reassured. He wrapped me into an embrace. "Thank you, Sakura. For everything," he said. 

My heart skipped a beat. I wasn't accustomed to him thanking me. "For what? Did I do something?" I asked. "You're carrying my child. For that, I could never be more grateful, Sakura," he said. I felt a sudden wetness on my shirt. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying," he said. I kissed the top of his head. "Sasuke, you can let it out. I'm here," I said gently. He didn't cry much, that was for certain, but when he did, he needed it. 

A few minutes passed and I found him asleep while holding onto me still. I knew he was exhausted, just based off of how much he had been worrying about me. I let out a sigh as I played with his hair. "You really do too much, darling," I said. He stirred in his sleep for a moment before resting further into me. I chuckled gently before resting my eyes. 

A pound began on our door. Sasuke shot up and approached the door, opening it. "Karin, what is it?" He asked. "Did you two forget? You were supposed to come get another check in today!" The red head shouted. "Sorry. We can be there in a few," Sasuke said. We got up and got ready for the appointment. 

It was a usual routine - vitals, ultrasound, and updates about what could be expected. "The baby looks healthy! Since you weren't feeling well enough at 14 weeks and it's now 18 weeks. Would you like me to try and determine if it's a boy or a girl?" Karin asked. I looked to Sasuke as he gently smiled, a small blush tainted on his cheeks. "If that's alright with Sasuke, yes," I said. Karin studied the ultrasound pictures and smiled. 

"Congratulations Uchiha's. It's a girl."

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