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Sakura's POV

Karin quickly cleaned and dried Sarada off as she handed her to me. She rested on my chest, screaming and crying. Tears strolled down my face as I held her tight. I looked to my husband who brushed a tear away before kissing my forehead. "You did it, dear," he smiled. This only caused me to cry more. He pulled me close. "I'll leave the three of you alone. Give a shout if you need me," Karin sighed as she left. I looked back at Sarada as she began to calm down. "She's beautiful..." Sasuke began. "She has your hair," I commented as I sniffled. He gave me another kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to protect the two of you with my life," he said.

I watched as Sasuke held our daughter peacefully. It took him a moment to get the hang of it with his one arm but he became a natural at it. I sighed and rested my eyes for a moment.

Sasuke's POV

I held Sarada as I looked to her mother, who slept soundly. I smiled softly as a few tears shed. I was with my family. I had a family for that matter. "Dammit..." I began. I stood up and placed our daughter in the small crib next to Sakura's bed. I wiped my tears and walked out to thank Karin.

"Thank you for everything. We will leave in a few days," I said before briskly walking away. "She should stay here. We can't have any sort of risk of complications," she snapped. "How long?" I asked. "A month maybe?" She replied. I sighed and made my way back to our room.

I sat on my chair, only for a moment. My wife stirred in her sleep, seeming quite uncomfortable. I stood up and slid in next to her, pulling her close very gently. She woke up with a jump.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. You looked like you were uncomfortable," I said. She gave me a gentle and sleepy smile before slowly turning to face me and pushing herself into my chest. "Get rest. You did great tonight, darling," I said, kissing her forehead gently.

The next morning

I woke up, my wife wasn't next to me. I jerked awake to look for her. She sat in the chair, feeding our daughter. I got up and kissed the top of her head. "Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded sleepily. "Let me go fix that. You need a good breakfast, not food pills," I decided.

I left the room to go to the hideouts kitchen. I gathered some eggs and bacon, putting toast in the toaster. After a few minutes, I had a plate of food in the hands of my wife. "Thank you, dear," she said. I kissed her gently before taking my daughter into my arm. She was perfect. She wouldn't do anything wrong.

The door swung open. "Sasuke!" Suigetsu yelled. "Sh. She's asleep," I said as I looked at my sleeping daughter. Suigetsu threw a note down next to me.

Sasuke and Sakura,

Please return to the Leaf ASAP.


I sighed. "Sakura, take Sarada while I gather our things. Kakashi needs us back there. Karin will be thrilled," I sighed in annoyance. I packed our things and helped Sakura prepare to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" Karin shouted. "Kakashi needs us back," I sighed. She huffed in anger. "Safe travels to you I supposed then," she said passive aggressively. We left the hideout and began our journey. We made a few stops for caring for our daughter and got back to the village a few days later.

Kakashi stood at the gate. "Welcome back you two. And welcome, Sarada," he said. He approached us and twiddled his finger in front of Sarada with a smile. "Why did you need us back so urgently?" I asked immediately. "Take your luggage home and meet me in my office."

I unlocked the door and we walked inside. I set our bags down in our bedroom and just like that, we left the house again.

"What is it that you had to call us only a day after Sakura gave birth?" I asked in frustration. "Settle down. I understand your frustration but please, I know you're upset. Listen. Our ANBU never returned from the Katana gang mission. We need you on top of this," Kakashi said. Sakura looked at me. "Kakashi, excuse me, but I just gave birth. I need my husband with me. Why can't you send Naruto or Shikamaru or someone?" Sakura asked.

"Hinata is due any day now and Shikamaru is already on a mission. We don't have many more skilled shinobi that we could send out if the ANBU couldn't handle this alone," Kakashi said. I opened my mouth, only to be interrupted. "However, I could contact the Sand village to see if they could head this up," he thought out loud.

"Make a decision and tell me what I need to do. Sakura needs rest. We're going home," I said as I walked out, Sarada following close behind with our daughter in hand.

I unpacked my bag and Sakura fed Sarada. "Tomorrow we should get things for the nursery. We're totally unprepared," Sakura laughed anxiously. I walked to her and kissed her. I broke the kiss. "I'm sorry," I said, my hand resting on her hip. "It's ok, it can't be helped," she said. "It can. I will fight to stay by your side, to ensure our family is safe," I said. I kissed her forehead. "I'm going out to get a few things. I'll be back," I said as I left my wife and daughter alone.

I walked through town and went to a home supply store. I bought a crib and a few other things that would be necessities for a baby. I brought the boxes home and started to put things together in what used to be the spare bedroom. Sakura walked in, rubbing her eyes. "Morning, sleepyhead," I chuckled. "What're you doing?" She asked. "Putting together Sarada's nursery," I said. She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you, darling," she said.

Hello! Thank you for reading this story! Unfortunately, life has caught up with me and I have to end the story here. Thank you for your support!

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