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-Lemon ahead-

The morning after Chapter 2...

Sakura's POV

I woke without a startle. A very calm awakening. I rubbed at my eyes, scraping at the 'eye gunk' as my mom once called it. I then realized. I wasn't clothed. At all. The only thing keeping from exposing my body was the comforter on the bed. My heart skipped a beat as I looked to my side. The same for Sasuke, who was still asleep.

I looked at him with a gentle smile. His mouth hung open just a crack. His nose must have been stuffed as he let out a few quiet and gentle snores occasionally. A small trail came from his mouth. I giggled quietly. Who knew the elite Sasuke Uchiha was a drooler in his sleep?

His eyes squinted and relaxed as he opened his eyes, awaking from a deep slumber. "Good morning..." he yawned. "Good morning, darling," I replied. He looked down a little bit, his eyes not focused on my face but a little lower. He yawned once more before moving his head atop my chest. I sighed and shook my head.

"You're such a softie, dear," I chuckled. "The elite can't always be so tough," he mumbled.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked down and noticed some of the aftermath of last night. How could I have forgotten? I peeled Sasuke off of me and took a look at him. His chest was covered in the same marks.

"Turn around," I asked. He did as I had requested. Red lines marked almost every inch of his finely sculpted back. He turned back to me. "Is something the matter?" He asked, as if he was clueless as to what I was processing. My hand covered my mouth.

That was right...last night...

He peeled the clothes off of me as he covered my lips and neck in sloppy kisses. Moans and groans filled the room as he threw the articles aside. He held me down and kissed me passionately. His tongue tugged at my lips, parting them open before I even had the chance to. His tongue danced with mine, the taste of his breath resonating in my mouth.

He pulled his face away from mine. He tugged his shirt off followed by his pants. He throbbed as he was held in a single article of clothing. "Dammit, Sakura..." he grunted. He tore off his underwear. He grabbed my hand as he prepared himself. "Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded desperately.

He entered me. I let out a load moan as he slipped inside of me. "Tell me when you're ready for me to go," he groaned. I felt him throbbing inside of me. I didn't remember him being this large last time. I nodded an approval to him and he pounded into me slowly. He held my hand down on the bed as he continued. "F-Fuck..." he moaned. We were in sync. He leaned his face down to my breasts, sucking them to leave his mark on me. "F-Fuck, Sasuke," I moaned.

My head was thrown back in pleasure, scratching at his back with the hand that wasn't held by him. He took the opportunity to bite, nibble, suck, and kiss my neck. "You're m-mine, dammit..." he groaned between kisses. He began to pick up the pace, going deeper inside of me. "Sasuke, I-I'm close..." I moaned. "M-Me too..." he said as he maxed out his pace and strength. Moans turned into screams. "S-Sakura...I'm-" "M-Me too...F-Fuck..!" I moaned into his chest as he slowed it back down to almost nothing. Our essences collided with each other as he laid on me. "Tell me when..." he panted. I gave him the ok and he took himself out of me.

I sat up, pulling the blanket closer to my body. "Y-You saw..." I began. "I saw every inch of you. Yes," he said, quite plainly yet with a smile. I quickly hid myself under the comforter. My body hadn't been in good shape while he had been gone. I was thoroughly embarrassed. "What is it?" He asked as he peeked under the covers. "Nothing. You can go get ready for the day if you'd like," I replied. "Oh, ok," he answered, taken aback by my dismissal. I felt him get up and leave the room, the door closed behind him.

I peered over the blanket, searching for him. He was gone. I got up and sorely walked to the closet, looking at myself in the mirror on my way. I tugged at the small pieces of fat across my body. I sighed and put on a large shirt and sweatpants. Maybe it would hide it. I opened the door and walked out. I sat on the couch and read more. "Do you want breakfast?" Sasuke asked. I shook my head. He raised a brow and walked to the couch, sitting next to me. He turned my body to face him.

"I know this outfit, Sakura. Talk to me," he said. I sighed and fell into him. "I haven't been keeping in shape. I'm embarrassed by my body and the fact that you saw it like this..." I began. He tilted my head to look at him. He kissed me gently.

"You are beautiful, Sakura," he said. I looked down in shame. He kissed the top of my head. "I'm making breakfast and you're eating. Out of the both of us, you should know better than to starve yourself," he scolded. "Yeah...sorry," I sighed. He left the living room after giving one last peck on the cheek.

After a little while, plates of pancakes, fruit, eggs, and bacon were displayed across the dining room table. "Breakfast is ready, dear," he said. Dear. It had been ages since he had pulled that nickname out. "What's with the nickname?" I asked. "What? Am I not allowed to call you that?" He asked. I chuckled a little. "No, you're fine," I replied. "Ok, let's eat then, dear," he said.

Breakfast finished and we went on with our day. "Sasuke?" I called from the living room as I looked through the mail that had come in. "Yes?" He asked as he walked inside from the backyard, where he had been training. "Mail for you," I said, handing him three envelopes with only his name printed on it. He opened them calmly, reading each one carefully.

"Important?" I asked. "No, not really. You could've opened them," he said. "Well, I didn't want to invade if it was confidential. They didn't have both of our names on them," I said. "Thank you for being careful with that. If it were confidential, that would've been problematic." A bird perched on a windowsill, pecking at the window. Sasuke opened it and read the note attached. He read it probably three or four times.

"Sakura, we need to talk."

Hope the spice was ok...first lemon I've done😅 thank you for reading!!

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