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Sasuke's POV

I sat across from my wife as she read. Her eyebrows furrowed as I watched her scan each page thoroughly. "What has you stumped?" I asked. She jumped a mite. "It's nothing," she replied quickly.

Ever since the laundry incident, she had been aloof. I stared into her emerald eyes intently. She glanced up and immediately focused her attention back to her book. I stood up with a heavily weighted sigh and walked to the bedroom to take a moment. 

I sat on the edge of the bed as I searched back through each moment of the day, wondering and pondering. What could I have done wrong? Was it too much affection? I stood up and looked myself in the mirror. I took a breath before walking back out. 

"Is now an appropriate time for a haircut?" I asked. Sakura looked at me. "O-Oh, sure," she replied. She put her book down, not before marking the page with a bookmark. She placed a chair in the kitchen, gathering her scissors and thinning shears. She motioned me to the seat and placed a drape around me. It wrapped around my neck and streamed down to my mid shin. She quickly began to trim and snip at my hair. 

"Is something wrong, Sakura?" I asked. She sighed, saying nothing as she continued. "Talk to me," I said. 

"It's just that... I got embarrassed after seeing you, you know, shirtless. Even though we're married. Is there something wrong with me?" She asked furiously. "There's nothing wrong with you. You haven't seen me for a long time, let alone without a shirt and fresh out of the shower." I replied. She let out a heavy sigh. "Thank you, dear. That makes me feel much better," she said. 

She continued to manage my hair and was soon done. "Thank you, Sakura," I said as I stood up. I turned and gave her a quick kiss before she could say another word. She released me from the grasp of the drape and I walked back to the living room. She cleaned the hair off of the floor and put everything away before she joined me on the couch, only to return to her book. 

"How is chapter 15?" I asked with a smug grin. "How did you know?" Sakura asked in shock. I let a small chuckle loose. "I saw the notes you had on the table, trying to connect the dots," I replied. "I still don't understand it," she groaned in frustration. I stood up and looked at her. I leaned to her level and kissed her on the forehead. "You will in due time," I smiled. The pinkette looked at me in confusion. "Let's go to bed,"  I said. She smiled and nodded, putting her book down as she followed me to the bedroom. 

It was dark. Footsteps pattered around what I assumed to be a hallway or maybe a room. I sat on a metal chair, my legs tied to each front leg of the chair. My arm was tied around my waist. What was this? 

"Do not bother to struggle," a voice rolled through the room.

I scanned the chakra. They weren't weak, that was for certain. I sharp sound resounded. A kunai? No. Larger. A katana of some sort. The footsteps pattered quickly, becoming louder before I heard someone shout.

"Now, die!"

I woke up, my eyes flashing open. I began to breathe heavily as I looked to my side. My wife, sleeping peacefully. I pulled her close. Just what the hell was that? I asked myself. I shook the dream away from my thoughts and went back to sleep. 

I woke up in another sweat a few hours later. It was morning. Sakura looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you ok?" She asked, concern painting her fair face. "Just a nightmare. I'll be ok," I sighed. She pulled me close and kissed my neck. "Good morning, darling," she whispered to me. "Good morning," I replied before giving her a kiss. "So, want breakfast?" She asked. "Let's go out to eat," I smiled. 

We walked as the sun brightly illuminated streets of the Hidden Leaf. We decided on a newly opened diner. We ordered our food and moments later it was delivered. She smiled at me before we began to eat. 

"Why did you want to eat out?" She asked. "I figured we would. It's been a long time since our last meal out," I said. She smiled before continuing to eat her meal. I paid for our meal before we went back home. 

"Sasuke..?" Sakura began. "Yes?" I asked as I turned to her. "I just... Never mind, it's nothing," she shrugged. "No, what is it?" I asked, intrigued by her sudden questioning. "It's stupid. It's embarrassing," she sighed. I approached her and turned her face to be by her chin. "Tell me," I said. 

"After everything...I-I've remembered how much I'm attracted to you...No just personality wise, physically too," she managed. A smirk slipped onto my face. I leaned in close to her, my mouth at her ear. "Good," I said as I walked away. "I'm going to go shower. Don't be embarrassed if I walk out same as last time," I warned before walking into the bathroom. As I walked away, I heard a slight gulp from her. 

I knew damn well my affect on her. I also knew that she needed a gentle love aside from whatever this was. I stood in the shower, letting myself soak in the steam. I washed my hair and body and got out. I dried myself and walked to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. A knock voiced through the room. 

"Sasuke? Can I come in?" My wife called. "At your own risk," I replied. She opened the door as I looked through the drawers of my dresser, choosing an outfit for the day. I turned to face her as she went to the closet to get changed too. I pulled her close by the waist, my towel clinging onto my hips. 

She looked me up and down, pausing at my torso for only a moment. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked. She shook her head as her face flushed red. I kissed her neck. "Very well then," I whispered before I walked away to get changed. I felt her gaze on me the whole time. She got changed as I stared at her, her back towards me. Damn, had I missed these days. 

As she finished changing, she turned to see me staring quite intensely at her now clothed body. "Sasuke, were you staring the whole time...?" She asked as her face became painted pink. I began to walk toward the pink haired woman. "I think you already know the answer, Sakura. I know you did the same to me," I smirked. "And by the way, don't be fooled by this covered eye," I added. She practically started to shrink into herself, feeling intimidated by this rare side of me that she had only seen maybe once or twice. I let out a breathy sigh as I gained a slight grin. 

Tonight, she would see that side another time. 

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