Laksh marries Ragini: Part 2(b)

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After hearing that Laksh will marry her, Ragini was elated and happy. She stopped her suicide drama and to make herself good in front of everyone kept on saying that she can't do this to Swara.

Laksh started badmouthing Swara and called her characterless. Hearing this Sharmishtha came to Laksh and slapped him hard and said that she is glad her daughter got saved from marrying a coward like you. You are just another Shekhar Gadodia who can confess that he loves a girl but cannot take a stand and trust that girl.

Go do this marriage while I pray for my daughter's safety and hope that Sanskaar finds her.

Sharmishtha break her mangalsutra and wipe of her sindoor with holy water (Ganga jal) and said that Ragini is no more my daughter. Having a daughter like her it's better to be infertile. Ragini cries and attempts to go towards Sharmishtha but Shekhar stops her and said that Sharmishtha is no longer her mother, she is only Swara's mother.

Sharmishtha replied I treated both of them equally but you couldn't be Swara's father even after having blood relation.

Dida says to Sharmishtha let's go, don't waste your time on these useless people and be glad our shoru (Swara) got saved from these spineless creatures. Let's hope that Sanskaar finds Swara

They go from there for praying while Durgaprasad asked Laksh to think clearly as he cannot backout from this later on if he finds out Swara is innocent. Laksh start to badmouth Swara again and said he did so wrong with Ragini and yet here she is ready to save our reputation while Swara just cares for herself. He will never regret this decision and asked to do the preparations.


Some fisherwoman found Swara and got her admitted to the hospital

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Some fisherwoman found Swara and got her admitted to the hospital. They didn't know whether it was an accident, suicide or murder, so they informed Police to get Swara's statement once she is awake.

On the other side Sanskaar was looking for Swara, he stumbled upon one of the fisherwoman who saved Swara , she told him about the hospital.

Sanskaar went there, he saw swara unconscious. He informed doctor and police that he knows swara. She woke up and was totally broken from Ragini's betrayal. Sanskaar said that he needs to take Swara but doctor refused as she is very weak and has sustained a lot of injuries. Police also has to take her statement.

Swara said that she will go and will give the statement to police later once she gets more answers from Ragini as to why she threw me off the river and gave me drugs, ruined my image in front of everyone.

Swara said that she will go and will give the statement to police later once she gets more answers from Ragini as to why she threw me off the river and gave me drugs, ruined my image in front of everyone

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Swara got her dress changed and a car was called for both of them. Swara tried to walk but couldn't do it. Sanskaar tried to encourage her but she was too weak. So, Sanskaar lifts her up in his arms and go towards the car. While walking down the stairs Sanskaar 's hand is injured from a nail. When Swara sees it in car, she asks him to get it dressed first otherwise there might be an infection.

But Sanskaar refused and took Swara to Baadi.

On the other hand, marriage rituals of Laksh and Ragini begins.

When Sanskaar-Swara reach Baadi they see the marriage completed.

Swara is heartbroken that Laksh didn't trust her and instead married Ragini.

Ragini started her drama of being a good sister and started saying that if you didn't want to get married you should have told us beforehand. Why did you run away and ruined reputation of two families. Swara was shocked to the core.

Shekhar came to slap her but Sanskaar stopped him and said before shouting at Swara you didn't even bothered to listen her side of story and didn't even ask how did she get so much hurt.

Listening the commotion outside Sharmishtha and Dida came out, were happy to see Swara and were shocked to see her state.

Ragini again started her drama, asking how she got hurt.

Sanskaar told the the truth about Ragini pushing Swara into the river but no one believed him except Sharmistha, Dida and Sujata. Laksh defended Ragini start to badmouth Swara.

Swara was shattered as even Shekar was badmouthing her, her upbringing. She wanted to run away but Sanskaar held her hand and started defending her and confessed his and Ragini's crimes. Shekhar intervened and said not to badmouth Ragini, she isn't like this characterless Swara. She has gotten a good upbringing, she would never do this.

He even insisted that Bose family should leave the Baadi, everyone was in agreement. Swara wanted to kill her self but Sanskaar gave her strength.

In front of everyone he asked to marry Swara and promised to return the respect they had lost in some way because of him. Last decision would be yours Swara.

Swara was beyond shocked didn't know what to do. Both her mother and Dida said to go with it.

Durgaprasad was angry and Laksh said that he should have seen that coming a cheater proposing another cheater.

Swara held Sanskaar's hand and said though a cheater Laksh but he realised that he was wrong. What about you? You never loved me had you did you would have shown some trust in me but you didn't. Not only that you were with those people putting accusations on my character and upbringing. I am glad that Sanskaar came for his revenge and saved me from you.

Your love for me faded by just seeing a video and Sanskaar couldn't forget his love for Kavita even five years after her death. You are just a spoilt brat nothing else who uses people for his own benefits.

Swara turned towards Sanskaar and said that yes, I will marry you but at a condition that you won't leave me. Sanskar put his hand in Swara's forwarded palm and giving her this promise.

Sujata asked Sanskaar what he is doing and Sanskaar asked her if she loves him she would stay and be part of the wedding.

Sharmishtha and Dida take Swara to home to get her ready and gave Sanskaar the sherwani which Boses had initially chosen for Laksh but he didn't like it.

Pandit ji said that shubh muhurat is after 2 hours. This gave enough time to both Swara and Sanskaar get ready.

Shekher came to Bose house to tell Swara how ashamed he is of her and don't marry Sanskaar just to ruin Ragini's life with Laksh. Ragini had put this thought in Shekhar 's head which Shekhar blindly believed as it came from Ragini.

Sharmishtha came and asked Shekhar to get lost and she will send the divorce papers soon.

Shekhar felt humiliated and left.

Swara started crying badly, her mother and Dida tried to console her and make her realise that she is doing the right thing. She got lucky that she got saved from laksh otherwise after marriage also she would have to fight for her rights.

Sanskaar would stand by her. They make her ready.

Other the other side, Ram and Sujata were asking Sanskaar not to make decisions in a haste. This is about his life. But Sanskaar is adamant to marry Swara.

Ram is already angry at Sanskaar and Sujata about the revenge thing but they agreed to participate in the wedding.

Durgaprasad and his family were unhappy with Sanskaar's decision.

Ragini was afraid that Swara would bring her truth out with the help of Sanskaar.

Precap: Sanskaar-Swara marriage.

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