Sanskaar meet Dr. Sunaina: Part 23

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Just for your information guys, Laksh wasn't present when Sharmistha was telling about Aradhya and DID. He doesn't know anything about Swaradhya or Dr. Sunaina.

In swasan room

Sanskaar is just staring at a sleeping Swara or I should say Swaradhya.

He thinks that I thought everything is sorted but another storms comes up. But don't worry, I won't leave you alone. I would stand by you. I have to make this right. And for that I have to meet Dr. Sunaina.

He calls Sharmistha and asks her to set up a meeting with Dr. Sunaina.

Sharmistha calls him back and says Dr. Sunaina can meet him after 3 days and text him the address, date and time.

She asks whether Swara has woken up. Sanskaar say no but don't worry I will be with her. I won't leave her alone.

Sharmistha smiles and thanks Sanskaar for being there for my daughter and says good night and the call is ended.

Sujata comes and brings swasan dinner.

Sanskaar says thanks mom.

She inquires about Swara but he says that she is still asleep. He will wake her for dinner.

Sujata is worried for swasan. Sanskaar just says that she needs us right now and we would be there. No need to worry mom, we will sort this out. I am going to meet Dr. Sunaina in 3 days.

Sujata says ok. Take care and leaves the room.

Sanskaar wakes up her up and make her have dinner.

Swara is in deep thought. Sanskaar sees this and asks her what is the matter Swara?

Swara says I am just thinking about the way I sometime behave. It's as if I don't have any control over myself. Then forgetting about things. This is so frustrating.

Sanskaar says don't stress Swara. It's not good for your health. We will sort this out together. Now it's too late so change your clothes and sleep.

Swara does what Sanskaar says and sleeps peacefully.

Sanskaar is just looking at her and stroking her hair.

After sometime he also sleeps.


At Bose house

Sharmistha is crying continuously and Dida is trying to console her.

Why ma God could have given me two daughters but he gave me a daughter with 2 personalities? Says Sharmistha

She continues don't know what would happen now? How will fix it? What would her in laws be thinking?

Dida says that they are all with Swara. Sanskaar is her rock and till Sanskaar is there nothing would happen to Swara.

They hear a knock and goes to open the door. They see Gadodia family standing and asks what do they want?

They say that they want an apology from Swara for what she did with us.

Sharmistha says Swara won't do such thing. They had it coming for all the sins they had committed and asks them to leave this instant and shut the door on their face.

They felt humiliated and left towards their house.

Next day

The photo of Swara beating Shekhar and blackening the faces and making dadji wear bangles is on the newspaper.

Everyone at Baadi were laughing at Gadodia family.

At Maheshwari mansion

Swara got up and was still thinking what happened yesterday. She got ready and went downstairs.

She saw the newspaper which had the photos of Swara, Shekhar, Parvati and Deendayal ji.

Laksh was shocked to see this as he didn't know anything about this. When he asked nobody was telling him anything. He got frustrated and left.

At first Swara was distressed and embarrassed then suddenly her expression and demeanor changed. She was enjoying what the newspaper was showing. She didn't say anything but everyone could see the change and shared glances with each other.

After this they had breakfast and left for work including Swara.

After 2 days

It was the day Sanskaar would meet Dr. Sunaina. From his office he goes restaurant coffee bites and was waiting for her.

She comes after 5 minutes and greets him.

They began discussing about Swara and Aradhya.

Dr. Sunaina says that there is no cure for this. I can do that again with Aradhya what I did years back. But it won't be easy this time as she is not a child anymore.

We can also give electric shock to Swara to fix her brain but there is no guarantee that she will be fine.

Sanskaar says absolutely no doctor I can't do this with Swara.

Science has developed so much after that. There must be another way to tackle this.

But Dr. Sunaina says that Aradhya is very stubborn and hates Swara to the core.

Sanskaar interrupts and says what if he is able to bridge the gap between the two. Then can Swara lead a normal life?

Dr. Sunaina says I don't know. From what I understand with my interactions with Aradhya, she would never cooperate with Swara. But if you are able to do this, we might be able to get her as normal as she can.

Sanskaar asks more about Aradhya so that he knows what to do and what not to do.

Dr. Sunaina says that Aradhya is a short-tempered girl. You have to pamper her always and she once told me that she loves to write.

Sanskaar said thank you Dr. Sunaina. If needed, I would contact you again.

Sure Sanskaar. It's nice to see that you are trying to be supportive of Swara. Because a lot of people just pass judgements when they come to know about someone's mental illness.

They said goodbye to each other and left the cafe.

This was all seen by Laksh. He didn't hear their conversation, he thinks that Sanskaar is betraying Swara. He even clicks a photo of them together to show to Swara.

At Swara's office

Laksh comes there and Swara is not at all pleased with it and asks him to leave.

He says just listen to me once please it's important.

Swara says ok, you have only 2 minutes.

Laksh says that Sanskaar is having an affair. He is betraying you Swara.

Swara says are you out of your mind Laksh. Sanskaar would never do this.

Laksh says see this photo.

Swara sees it and gets shocked to see Sanskaar with Dr. Sunaina. She thinks if Sanskaar comes to know about her then she is gone. But why is he with her? Does he know her?

Laksh says now you believe me Swara that Sanskaar is a lying bastard.

Hearing this Swara or should I say Aradhya slaps Laksh and says this photo doesn't prove anything and she has full faith in him that he won't betray me. Now leave.

After Laksh left, Aradhya keeps on thinking what if my mother or Dida. tells about my past to Sanskaar. No, I have to warn them and also find out why Sanskaar was with Dr. Sunaina.

After this she leaves for Baadi to meet her mother and Dida

Precap: Aradhya threatens to kill her and Swara

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