Ragini's punishment begins: Part 17

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Raglak room

Ragini tries to talk to Laksh but he says how can she do this? I always stood by you and you broke my trust. I need sometime, please sleep in the guest room. I can't be in the same room with you and slams the door to her face as she was standing at the entrance of the room.

Ragini cries and says this is all because of that Swara and that Uttara.

She thinks how to gain everybody's trust back as tomorrow she would be going to her Dadi's house for 2 months and Swara would be here.

She goes to the guest room to sleep.

At Swasan tent

They are both sleeping with content smiles on their faces because of what happened or because of what they have begin to feel for one another don't know.

At Gadodia house

There is an eery silence as all are stunned that their innocent laddo can do this. Dadaji begins to say that to whom Parvati you used to insult, today those words could be used for Ragini and us. Swara showed everyone that she is the pride of Bose and Maheshwari family while Ragini showed that she is dirt and a black spot in the name of a woman. After saying this he leaves to sleep.

Shekhar and Parvati are in deep thought but doesn't say anything and eventually goes to their bedrooms to sleep.


At Bose house

Dida says finally some truth came out and everyone could see that their dearest daughter-in-law is not so innocent and is very cheap.

Dida turns to Sharmishtha when she doesn't respond. She asks what are you thinking? I am thinking about Swasan? I don't want their relationship to get affected in the course of bringing out the truth.

Did says nothing would happen. And truth always emerge victorious, remember that.

And both of them head to their rooms to sleep.

Next morning

Swasan get ready goes to the entrance of Maheshwari mansion where everyone except Adarsh and Parineeta are waiting for them. Sujata happily did the aarti and Swara's Grahpravesh.

Ragini is not at all happy seeing this.

Uttara says that she wasn't here for the wedding so you both would be getting married again with all the rituals. Yay!!! She shouts. Everyone laugh at her childishness and their eyes teared up as they missed this.

Swasan agrees and says that they will get married again for her Swara futher adds that once her mother's case is over then the marriage will take place.

Swasan come inside the house and everyone heads towards the dining area to eat breakfast.

Durgaprasad asks Annapoorna where is Adarsh?

Annapoorna replies that she hasn't seen him and Parineeta also.

Suddenly they see Parineeta coming with a suitcase and Adarsh behind her asking her not to leave.

Parineeta asks permission from Durgaprasad and Annapoorna to go to her mother's house and think about this whole situation of Adarsh and Dolly.

Everyone is shocked with what Parineeta said. Ragini tries to stop her from leaving to make her look good in everyone's eyes again.

She says to Parineeta not to leave the house and go. Adarsh bhaiya is feeling very guilty and is apologizing from the bottom of his heart. And for a woman the most important thing is her husband.

Swara interrupts and says you are wrong Ragini. For a woman, her self-respect always comes first. How can you say to her to forgive Adarsh bhaiya so easily? Yes, he is admitting his mistake but he is not doing a favour.

Ragini contradicts that you are a woman of modern views that's why it's very easy for you to say such things but.

Swara interrupts her again and says it's no modern view but a right of the wife. I am not saying to Parineeta Di to leave the house but to stay here but on her own terms as she has the same right on the house as Adarsh bhaiya's. And Parineeta Di if Adarsh bhaiya is asking for a second chance please consider that too and if possible forgive him by trusting on your love not because of some pressure.

Parineeta says that Swara is right. I want to give a chance to Adarsh but is not yet ready to forgive him.

Durgaprasad accepts Parineeta's decision and praises Swara for her suggestion. Everyone look at Swara with proudness except Laksh who was busy glaring at her in anger and Ragini who was dumbfounded that her plan backfired on her. Instead of her everyone got impressed by Swara.

Durgaprasad says let's start the breakfast. Ragini tries to serve but Annapoorna says leave it, we will do it ourselves. Ragini cries and says she is sorry for what she did. Please don't send her to her Dadi's house for two months.

Annapoorna says decision has been made and it won't change no matter how much you cry. Once breakfast is done you will leave for your Dadi's house.

Breakfast is finished all men go to office except Laksh as he has to drop Ragini to Baadi.

While they were leaving for Baadi Swara comes and taunts Ragini that not even a month has happened to her wedding already she is banished to her Dadi's home for 2 months. Awwwwww so sad. And she begins to laugh.

Laksh says Swara. Swara show him her hand and says she is not at all interested in talking to either of them bye.

At Baadi

Baadi people see Ragini with suitcase and wonders why Laksh is leaving Ragini here. It's not even a month to their wedding. Everyone begins to whisper. Parvati shuts their mouth by saying Ragini was missing us so much that Annapoorna couldn't withstand her sadness and agreed to send her for few days.

Everyone disperses as there was nothing interesting in why Ragini was here.

At Police station

Swara had deposited Uttara's phone to the police as the video was originally recorded in it. She asked a forensic testing of it and wanted the report as soon as possible as the case is in 4 days.

At Gadodia house

The lawyer is pretty mad at Ragini for doing this. He says that this has made our case weak. If we point out finger on Bose family , now they have a reason to point fingers at Ragini and her upbringing.

He says not to do anything like this again. It's just 4 days and this Swara is complicating things even more. She already has a long list of witnesses which I don't know why. She has now added this video as an evidence for this divorce case.

Parvati says do anything just get those Bengalis away from our lives and humiliate them so much that they don't show us their faces ever again.

Lawyer bids goodbye to prepare for the case.

Precap: Shekhar-Sharmishtha divorce case

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