Swaradhya's treatment begins: Part 26

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At Bose house

Sharmistha was still worried whether everything would be okay or not.

Dida assures her that it would be fine. Sanskaar and his family are with Swara I mean Swaradhya.

Sharmistha looks at her. Dida says now that everything is out in the open, we might have to start calling her Swaradhya again. If we call her just Swara then it would mean that we are not acknowledging her other side Aradhya.

Sharmistha says yes Swaradhya my daughter.

They both go to sleep.

Next morning

At Maheshwari mansion

Dr. Sunaina had come on time for Swaradhya's treatment.

Swara greeted the doctor and she starts to observe Swara and she notices few glimpses of Aradhya.

Once the breakfast was done. Swasan and doctor go to swasan's room for treatment to begin.

Doctor starts telling Swara about her childhood and Aradhya. Swara was listening with full attention. Sanskaar was also there as Swara didn't want to do this alone.

When doctor started speaking about Swara in childhood that she was so good.

Just as these words left doctor's mother, Aradhya came in the picture. Dr. Sunaina and Sanskaar notice this.

Aradhya says doctor you are here to do treatment of Swara not to praise that coward.

Dr. Sunaina says I am here to treat you both so that you both could live and function properly in one body.

Swaradhya says I won't share my life with that Swara. She has already taken 17 years of my life, now it's her turn to live in the shadow, do you understand doctor?

The treatment is over now I don't want to listen to your nonsense about that Swara and Aradhya leaves the room.

Dr Sunaina says see Sanskaar I told you that Aradhya hates Swara so much that she would not co-operate. That's why I had to threaten her as a child and suppress her in Swara.

Sanskaar says no doctor I don't want to that to Swaradhya. If we see from Aradhya's point of view, she isn't wrong.

I will try to talk to Aradhya and try to convince her for taking the treatment.

Ok Sanskaar but be careful. She is a very short-tempered girl.

She leaves the mansion.

Sanskaar decides to take Swaradhya to his office today and spend some time with both Swara and Aradhya.

At Sanskaar's office

He is observing Swaradhya very keenly and tries to find out whether she is Swara or Aradhya.

Swara asks what happened Sanskaar?

Who are you? Questions Sanskaar

I am Swara and jokes now everytime I have to tell you who I am and begins to laugh.

Sanskaar laughs with her and tells her what Aradhya did during the treatment.

Swara's morale goes down and says how can I become Swaradhya if Aradhya behaves like that. Why does she hate me so much? What have I done to her?

Swara's questions made sense to Sanskaar and he decides to find out. Maybe once he has the answer then they can make Aradhya co-operate.

He remembers that Aradhya loves to write in her journal. Even now she must be writing. He thinks to find that journal tonight.

All day went, sometimes Aradhya come and sometimes Swara.

Sanskaar was handling both of them. Surprisingly it appeared that Aradhya is fond of Sanskaar.

At evening

At Maheshwari mansion

Swara goes to kitchen to help the ladies and Sanskaar goes to his room and try to find that journal.

He finds it under the dressing table and decides to read it once Swaradhya is asleep.

After having dinner, everyone head towards their room to sleep.

Swaradhya sleeps as soon as she hits the bed (It is the only time when both Swara and Aradhya are sleeping and inactive).

Sanskaar gets up and takes Aradhya's journal and goes to the terrace to read.

He opens the diary and reads the first journal entry

Dear Journal,

My name is Aradhya Bose. I am going to tell you my story. I was 4 years old when I heard a bad aunty saying means words to my mommy and I threw a brick at her. It felt so good. But mommy scolded me huh bad aunty. I would get angry at my mommy who would call me Swara. I am Aradhya not some Swara.

- Aradhya Bose

Dear Journal,

Few incidents happened where I hurt somebody for being mean to me about not having a father. It's not my fault, they call me illegitimate. I don't know what it means but it definitely is not a good word.

- Aradhya Bose

Dear Journal,

My ma and Dida introduced a lady to me. Her name was Dr. Sunaina.
I was very suspicious of her and tried to avoid but she would try to talk to me no matter what. She started to get to know me. I told her that I love to write and this is my journal and no one I mean no one reads it besides me.

- Aradhya Bose

Dear Journal,

After a few days, I was at Dr. Sunaina's clinic. My ma and Dida were standing at some distance from me. I didn't understand anything, what is happening.
Dr Sunaina told me that I have a other side called Swara and they are saving her from me. I am not dangerous journal, you agree with me na. She said that I am sick and have a disease called DID (Dissociative identity disorder). It means that originally I was Swaradhya but I broke myself into Swara and Aradhya. It would be easier for Swaradhya to live as Swara as she is very friendly, bubbly and understanding.

But journal I also have a life, how can they take away like that. I begged Dr. Sunaina to not burry me and my ma and Dida. I told them that I will try to improve, I will change myself but they didn't listen to me and kept on threatening me. So, now I have become a shadow of Swara forever.

- Aradhya Bose

Precap: Aradhya's journal continued.

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