Chapter 17: HEAT: SEUNGMIN 🔞

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Felix and Changbin had been quite for a while now, and Seungmin didn't want to wake their sweet Omega if he was sleeping, but he wanted to bring in some more food for the boy.

Two days in preheat and now two full days of his actual heat cycle and Felix had only really eaten a bowl of stew, some cubed meat, cut veggies, and a few slices of bread. He wasn't expecting Felix to eat quite that much again until after his heat broke, but he still needed sustenance.

They all would feel like horrible mates if Felix lost any weight under their care, especially after they'd worked him back up to a healthy appetite since coming to live with them.

Changbin rumbled in his sleep, making Seungmin smile fondly at the two naked men tangled in a heap in the center of the nest. Felix looked exhausted, but happy, curled up on top of his Alpha.

It was a sight to behold and Seungmin felt like he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. They had never expressed any desire to seek out an Omega of their own, content with the Alpha/Beta pack they had built, but Felix...

The thought of living life without him now wasn't an option. He belonged with them. He belonged to them, and they to him.

"Smells good," Changbin grumbled softly so he wouldn't wake his sated mate, "But are we ever going to eat anything else but stew again?" He smirked up at Seungmin as he peeked an eye open.

"Yes, you big baby." Seungmin rolled his eyes and chuckled, "But stew is the best thing for him while he's in heat. It has a bit of everything, and he needs a healthy diet while he can't eat much." Seungmin reminded the Alpha, smiling fondly at the Omega in question. "How is he doing?" He asked as he came to sit next to the pair.

"He seems good." Changbin kissed the top of Felix's blond hair, nose twitching as it tickled him, sticking up tufts as he hadn't had a proper cleaning in four days. "I'm surprised he's still sleeping, actually." His brow furrowed as he inspected Felix's sleeping face.

"That's a good sign," Seungmin smiled, "It means his body is coming out of his heat cycle and letting him rest more." He nodded, petting the back of Felix's head. "I imagine he should be out of it as early as tomorrow." He smiled at the look of relief on Changbin's face.

None of them had been with an Omega in heat, so it was a little jarring trying to get used to the process for the first time. Seungmin was grateful they had so many hands on deck to help Felix through it.

He would hate to be in a pack smaller than theirs. At least this way, it was only Felix who really felt any repercussions from the lack of proper sleep, and they could all be rested and ready to help with whatever he needed.

"You should go eat something, Bin." Seungmin poked his cheek, "And wash up... You stink." He smirked at the indignant look he got from the Alpha.

"I'll have you know, I smell like a bouquet of roses." He huffed jokingly.

"No, you don't." Felix murmured from where his face was pressed into the Alpha's chest, making Seungmin laugh lightly and Changbin gasp in mock offence.

"How very dare you," He danced his fingers up Felix's sides, not daring to actually tickle the boy, "You're lucky you're so cute." Changbin chuckled as he rolled them carefully so Felix was laying on his back, staring up at him with sleepy eyes and flushed skin.

He was obviously still feeling the affects of his heat. Changbin leaned down to kiss him softly, smiling when Felix sighed and wrapped his arms loosely around his waist. "Seungminnie brought you some food, baby, so be a good boy and eat for him, yeah?" He asked, nuzzling into Felix's cheek when he nodded.

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