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The following days were better than Felix could have imagined. He was happy they were able to get over his mates' irrational fears of hurting or pressuring him. He was sad they lost that week to worry and frustration, but they were making up for lost time.

He hadn't realized that, not only had they secretly traded for proper nesting supplies for him, but also courting gifts, as Seungmin called them. They had explained that it was a traditional practice in most packs that Alpha's, Beta's, and Omega's would trade gifts to express their intentions to mate.

Seungmin had then gone into a long ramble about different packs customs and how different courting gifts could express different intentions in a potential mateship. Felix giggled quietly to himself as Hyunjin and Changbin kept rolling their eyes at Seungmin's unnecessary teaching moment.

They just wanted Felix to know that Courting was a thing, and these were intended to be his Courtin Gifts before he had gone into heat.

"Did your former packs have traditions like these?" Felix asked to stop Seungmin's educational spiel and spare Changbin and Hyunjin.

"When my father asked my mother to be his mate, he had presented her with a cart full of pelts." Chan smiled at the memory of his father telling him the story. "He said it was his way of showing her that if nothing else, he would be able to provide her with safety and warmth." He smiled at Felix, remembering how his face lit up when he saw their cache of pelts for the first time.

"That's what my Alpha father did for my Omega father too." Changbin grinned wide.

"You have two fathers?" Felix asked with a wide smile.

"I do." Changbin nodded. "He was the only male omega in our village, and he was highly sought after, but he refused everyone's interest. He said that everyone had tried showering him with expensive gifts and trivial things like jewelry and clothes." Changbin rolled his eyes before laughing.

"The others were quite upset when my Alpha father came to his home one day with nothing but a cart of pelts. He was absolutely filthy, according to my Omega father. He liked to joke that the only reason he agreed to mating him was so he could give him a bath because he smelled so bad." Changbin was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

"Like Alpha father, like Alpha son." Hyunjin whispered to Felix under his breath making Felix giggle, trying to hide it behind his hands.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Changbin glared at Hyunjin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hyunjin smiled innocently at him.

"My mother was the one to present a courting gift to my father." Jisung smiled at Felix, cutting off the potential argument before it could start.

"She gave him a basket of his favourite foods. My father was a Beta and my mother, as you know, was an Omega." Felix nodded, remembering how Jisung spoke so fondly of her.

"They both showed interest in one another, but after months of waiting, my mother was the one to start courting my father. He was shy and my mother got tired of waiting around for him." He chuckled fondly.

"My father gave my mother a cache of meats." Hyunjin smiled. "My father was an Alpha, and my mother was a Beta. My father was fond of hunting, and my mother was one of the best cooks he knew, so he thought that would be one of the best gifts for her. She would cook for her neighbours and their pups all the time, so he wanted to support her in her care of others."

"Both of my parents were Beta's and they fell in love over their shared love of books and healing practices." Seungmin said from his seat next to Felix.

STAY by MammaLlama. (stray kids band) wolf/ wolves AUWhere stories live. Discover now