Chapter 41: HIS FATHER

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"He's asleep." Seungmin said as he exited the cave.

He moved slowly, but with a purpose to stand before the others, heaving a shuddering breath as he glanced over his shoulder to the Den, trying to collect his thoughts and make sense of what was happening.

"This kind of stress isn't good for him if he's..." Seungmin huffed, turning to look back at the rest of the pack. "Is it really the same wolf?" He asked, hopeful for an answer he wouldn't get.

"It is." Chan muttered, Minho nodding beside him. They were all left to sit and try to wrap their heads around the fact that Felix's father had managed to track him all this way.

They weren't actually sure how far away Felix's only pack was from theirs, but from Felix's telling, they had all assumed that there would be no way for Felix's old life to catch up with him.

"I should have said something sooner." Chan stared at his hands, not sure what to do with them as they laid uselessly in his lap.

"What good would it have done if you had?" Minho asked, placing a hand on the Pack Alpha's shoulder.

"No time was the right time, but do you really think it would have been worth it to cause him distress before going into heat?"

"Do you really think that causing him distress now is any better?" Chan scoffed, "He could be pregnant right now, and if he is, this amount of stress can't be good for the pup."

"So, what, you would rather not tell him at all?" Both Alpha's were posturing now, staring each other down.

"Enough." Jeongin growled, "There's no use fighting with one another when Felix needs us to support him now more than ever... Right?" He looked to Changbin, Seungmin and Hyunjin for support.

"Innie's right." Changbin nodded. "No time was going to be a good time, but now he knows, and now we know who they are." Changbin gritted his teeth, fists clenching.

The memory of fighting off Felix's father fresh in his mind. He had been wishing he'd killed the Alpha back then, and his feelings hadn't changed with the new information, but he now felt some reservations regarding the intruder.

Sure, he wanted to rip the Alpha limb from limb even more now that he knew what they had done to Felix in the past, but it was still Felix's father...

"How close are they?" Hyunjin asked, staring down Chan and Minho.

"Close enough that we can scent their presence, but not so close that they've been a concern." Chan muttered, wringing his hands together in his lap as a distraction. "He's just..." He paused trying to find the right words.

"He's just hovering... Watching." Minho supplied, earning a nod from Chan. Neither had been happy about the unknown Alpha's presence, but now that he was known, they were livid.

"How do we know for sure that it's really Felix's father?" Jeongin asked, biting his lip.

"It's the same scent from the full moon." Chan sighed, hanging his head. He wished that he could just snap his fingers and it would all go away, and they could go back to the blissful bubble they'd been living in, but he knew that was wishful thinking.

"What if Felix is wrong and it's not really him?" Jeongin was desperate for it not to be true. They all were.

"Do you really think he would have reacted like this if he weren't certain?" Seungmin sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Well then why wouldn't he tell us before?" Jeongin looked so confused and so desperate for all of this not to be real.

"It's called being in denial, Jeongin. I hate to say it, but Felix hasn't told us everything about his old pack, and he honestly doesn't have to, but what he has told us about his father, I wouldn't want it to be real either." Hyunjin sighed.

"Look, I know we don't want this to be happening, we don't want it to be true, but right now, it is." The Seungmin huffed.

"Unless we can get Felix close enough to their scent for him to either prove or disprove his assumption, we have to take his word and accept the fact that his father tracked him to our territory and he's..."

Seungmin hesitated for a moment, not wanting to say what was on all their minds.

"He's here for Felix." Changbin growled, scent burnt as he trembled with rage. They were all silent for a long while before Minho rose to his feet.

"Well, he's not going to get to him." Minho said with such finality that they all felt the truth of his words in their cores. "And if he tries to come for him again-"

"I'll kill him." Chan rumbled, silencing the pack once more. Nothing and no one would touch his mate, and he would sooner die than risk the potential life growing inside Felix.


It took the Alpha far longer than he would have liked to heal from his run in with that mutt that had attacked him when he found his Felix again.

Felix's presence always aided in a quick recovery, and twice now, he had been injured because of that pathetic Omega, and twice now he had to nurse himself back to good health because that little brat didn't know what's good for him.

When he first tracked him to this pack's territory, he was enraged at the thought of some unknown Alpha taking his sweet Felix as their own, but then to scent not one but seven others on his property sent him into a blind rage.

He always knew that an Omega's nature was to bend over when told, but he never thought that his Omega would give himself over to an entire pack.

Jaejun was finally well enough to take back what was owed to him, but it would seem that his goal would be a little harder to achieve with two of the packs Alpha's patrolling their borders, scenting him out.

He had to put extra distance between himself and their home since the full moon, and even then, he knew they were aware of him.

He hoped that it would be enough pressure for them to give up his Omega, to decide he wasn't worth the hassle and, well, throw him to the wolves.

He had scented one of the Alpha's going into rut and he'd hoped that would be enough of a distraction for him to sneak in and take Felix back, but then the little whelp had to go into heat as well.

He thought he'd raised him better than that, that he wouldn't turn out to be such a slave to his own nature as his good for nothing mother had been. If she had been as strong as he thought Felix grew to be, then he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

But no, his pup had to go and be as much of a useless slut as his mother. Had he been able to keep him under hand, he would have relished in bending the boy over and using him as this packs Alpha had.

"Soon..." Jaejun muttered, glaring in the direction of the pack's territory, "Soon..."

STAY by MammaLlama. (stray kids band) wolf/ wolves AUWhere stories live. Discover now