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Chan was smiling fondly at Felix and his fellow Omega's as they were sat together on a pelt by the fire, laughing together and cooing over Minjun. Felix had been so calm the past few days, happy to connect with other Omega's and talk excitedly about their growing families.

Felix and Wooyung had been bouncing possible names off one another and picking Soobin's brain for information and tips surrounding their pregnancies.

The group of Omega's had a good laugh over terrifying poor Jeongin with stories of Soobin's pregnancy and birth.

"I can't thank you all enough for this." Chan smiled at the men around him as they all watched their Omega mates bonding. "I wish we could have invited you all under better circumstances."

He sighed, laughing lightly as Felix fell to his side, laughing with Soobin and Wooyung when Minjun spit up on Beongyu's shoulder making him and Yeosang cringe.

"Soobin, get it off!" Beomgyu whined, trying not to jostle or upset the pup resting on his shoulder.

"Calm down, you big baby." Soobin laughed, wiping the boy's shirt clean. "You're going to want to change, I'm not going to be able to get that all off, wow he really let a lot out." He snorted, moving to take Minjun from Beomgyu so the boy could go change.

"He is so lucky he's cute!" Beomgyu shouted, running off to their tent to change his shirt, making the others laugh as he left.

"Poor Minjun," Wooyung cooed, "No one appreciates how you show your love, do they?" He chuckled, rubbing the pups' cheek.

"If that's what his love looks like, I'd hate to see what not loving you looks like." Yeosang laughed.

"I'll let you change him later so you can see for yourself." Soobin smirked, laughing when Yeosang cringed.

"You better get used to the idea, because I am not going to be the only one changing our pup." Wooyung nudged his mate, snuggling into his side.

"You won't be, I promise." Yeosang smiled, kissing Wooyung's forehead. "You know I'll do anything for our pup." He said, stroking his mates' stomach.

By the time Beomgyu stepped out of the tent, he paused to look around, a frown crossing his features. His expression immediately had Yeonjun rising to his feet. Before he could call out to him, Chan was growling beside him, standing, and turning to look at the treeline.

It was faint, but he could smell someone in the distance. It didn't take him more than a second to turn to Felix.

"Lix, take the others and get inside, now." He said so sternly, Felix didn't hesitate to do as he was asked. He helped Soobin to his feet and led the others into their Den, collecting Beomgyu on their way.

As soon as they were inside, Felix ushered them into his nest, hunkering down together, anxious scents rolling off them.

"Is it him?" Soobin asked, eyeing Felix carefully. They had all been caught up on their situation and the reason for being called together on their first morning together over breakfast, so they were sure only one thing could be happening right now.

"I didn't smell him." Felix's brow furrowed. What faint scents he caught, he didn't recognize, and it terrified him. Chan had been on edge, so clearly it hadn't been anyone they knew, so who?

Had his father gone for help?

Was it someone else entirely?

Felix was so worried for his mates and their friends. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to get hurt.

"Well, we'll just stay here until they come for us." Wooyung nodded, "Maybe it's nothing-" he was immediately cut off by the sounds of snarling Alpha's, making him whimper softly.

The group of Omegas shuffled further into the nest, clinging to one another for support as all they could do was wait quietly as they were told.


Jaejun made sure to hang back and just follow the others as they moved quietly through the trees. They could see firelight in the distance and knew they found their target. Jaejun thought they would have formed a plan of attack, but to his surprise, Bonhwa walked tall into the clearing with his fellow Alpha's.

As soon as they broke the treeline, they were faced with a surprising number of men, all standing between them and the cave. Before anyone could ruin his plan, Jaejun let out a forced whimper and without a single word, that seemed to be enough for Bonhwa and his packmates.

Bonhwa growled deeply, stance aggressive, triggering Chan immediately to snarl, barring his teeth at the intruders.

"Just give us the boy, and no one needs to get hurt." One of the unknown Alpha's rumbled deeply, making Minho growl, fists clenching at his sides.

"Over my dead body." Changbin snarled, taking a measured step forward. "You touch our mate, and I will kill you myself!"

"We don't want your mate." Bonhwa huffed, frowning at Changbin.

"There are no unmated Omega's here." San piped in.

"Where is my son!" Jaejun finally snapped. This was taking too long. The men he brought should be attacking already, not talking, and that they weren't was filling him with rage. Chan's gaze moved quickly to the Alpha, recognizing his scent immediately.Before he had a chance to address Felix's father, Changbin's control snapped.

This was the wolf who hurt and neglected their mate his entire life, the wolf who attacked their mate during the full moon and injured both Felix and him in the process, the wolf who has continued to threaten and harass their mate.

He couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to, and if he were being honest, he didn't want to.

Changbin managed to reach Jaejun before anyone could blink, gripping the front of his shirt and snarling in his face, turning to throw him to the ground roughly. As soon as Jaejun hit the ground, it was like a bomb went off and everything was chaos.

Bonhwa and his packmates moved quickly to pull Changbin off who they thought was nothing more than a concerned father, and to head off the others as they moved to Changbin's aid.

Changbin managed to get a few good hits in before he was pulled from Jaejun, shoved back, and jumped on by another unknown Alpha.

STAY by MammaLlama. (stray kids band) wolf/ wolves AUWhere stories live. Discover now