Chapter 12 - The Good in Everything

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After quite the thrilling game of crying and kids put to bed, Wade, Ember, and the Sea-Near parents sat curled up watching a movie. Ember sat in Wade's embrace, resting her head on his chest as they watched on.

The movie they were watching was intriguing, to say the least. A tow truck completely made of wood rolled up to an impound lot, where a stormy cloud with wheels sat in arrest. Wade raised an eyelid in the ridiculousness of it all - as did the rest of them.

"Mornin', Gustin' Beauty!" the wooden truck barked.

"Gah! Water?!" the cloud barked.

"A-ha-ha! Buoy, I was wonderin' when you was gonna storm up!" the truck bellowed.

"Storm?! Where?!" the cloud exclaimed, shuffling from side to side.

"Yer too easy, Buoy." the truck quipped, chuckling.

Aunty Sea-Near sat forward, staring blankly trying to gather what she was watching.

"I'm still so confused. How can cars talk?" she pondered aloud.

Uncle Sea-Near returned her a nonchalant shrug, slumped in comfort.

Ember's attention dozed from the ridiculous movie over to Wade face's. She gave him a warm smile, stroking his chest. Wade's attention did the same - tuning out of the movie completely. He sat with a glass-eyed stare of boredom, unsure of what to do. He let out a long exhale, tapping Ember on the shoulder. She promptly sat up from him, staring in query. He got up onto his legs, stretching himself out.

"Look, I'm really sorry, but I gotta hit the hay. I'm barely swimmin' here," he announced.

The Sea-Nears leaned up and looked over at him with disappointed expressions.

"Aww- no. Surely after the movie--" Aunty Sea-Near pressed.

Ember chuckled along with him, feigning a big yawn and stretching her arms in the air.

"Nah-- I think I'll do the same," she concurred.

The Sea-Nears looked at each other, a bit saddened, however understanding. The two had a big day, after all.

"Alright. You best get some good rest then." Aunty Sea-Near wished.

Wade rose up off the couch, giving his aunty a gentle smirk as he helped Ember in tandem. She took him by the hand, holding it as they left for their room.

The Sea-Nears cozied up next to each other, looking at the two with an air of concern.


Up at their room, Wade pushed open the door, dozily walking about with Ember in tow. She closed it behind her, slowly taking off her fatiguing PPE suit. As it came off, she stretched out and sighed in relief, cradling her sides with a smile. Wade did similar, throwing his shirt off, exhaling, and wiping his face down with his hands.

Feeling a passionate burn, Ember slowly walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a gorgeous embrace. He held her arms with her hands, smiling eagerly. Her hands slowly moved down to his waist as she began walking past her bed. She gently sat on the edge of it, patting to her right for Wade to join her.

He chuckled at her overly cutesy manner of gesture, sloshing over and sitting. Their body language turned toward each other as they sat. A gentle moment of awkward silence followed, allowing the gentle wind of night to interject. It swirled about the room, wavering Ember and Wade's masses about as they looked at each other. Wade began to scratch his neck in slight discomfort. His flaming lady Ember could only return a cutesy giggle, holding a hand over her mouth.

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