Chapter 36 - Aqua Inferno

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The night prior...

Naive to the horror that would follow hours later, Wade walked down the EBID halls toward Groucho's office. A weathered look adorned his face, weary from hours of conversing with the Elementopia Police over the Ashenwood case.

He stared at his phone's lock screen mid-transit, a deep tingle of tension hanging around his wavy spine as the same picture of Ember sat on it, taunting him. 

He hadn't heard a thing from her since midday, worrying him to his core. That worry began to reach a breaking point, prompting him to pull up his messaging conversation with her. The most recent text in there was his, which read;

"Hey, Em. I'm sorry, but work's holding me back tonight. We've got quite a bit to do, so I'm not sure when I'll get home. I love you, and I miss you already."

At that time, he hadn't even begun to realize that the reason she left him on read was because she hadn't even received it at all. Alas, he stood and stared at the message, teary-eyed in disappointment and growing self-disgust.

He brought that feeling with him as he approached Groucho's office. Arriving at the door, he gently put his phone in his satchel, taking a deep breath as he opened it.

He entered the office with hands held together in nerves, only to find Groucho staring at the wall, back facing him. He stood with hands behind his back, sending a vibe of tension right at Wade like a piercing arrow. Wade looked down, twiddling his fingers about in nerves.

"The officers just left. We told them everything we knew about the case. It's in their hands now..." Wade expressed.

He stopped mid-sentence, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"We... I told them everything I saw in there, to the minutest detail." Wade continued.

He remained looking at the ground, bruxing his teeth inside his mouth. Groucho slowly turned to him in a frustrated manner.

Wade looked up at him as he did so, slightly intimidated and with an air of frazzle about him.

In a completely unexpected move, Groucho confidently extended a hand to shake with Wade.

"Excellent work," he said.

Wade's expression instantly fell into surprise, looking at it and hesitantly shaking it.

As it concluded, Groucho turned back around to stare at the wall, hands behind his back. Such only added to Wade's nerves as he stood stiff in his spot.

"If you're wondering -- yes. You're free to go." Groucho allowed.

Wade looked up at him again wearing a puzzled look. It slowly calmed however as he realized Groucho was being serious, calming him in the process. He let out a smile in appreciation of the blasted day being over, looking down. 

He turned to leave with his satchel in tow, gripping it as he did.

"Just one thing," Groucho said.

Wade stopped in his spot the moment he heard him speak, turning back and falling silent in perplexity.

Groucho turned around once more, leaning both hands on his desk. He stared down at it, eyes clasped shut for just a moment. He looked up to Wade, tilting his head curiously.

"Why do you do this, Ripple?" he queried.

Appropriately, Wade's mouth fell slightly agape, thrown off-guard.

"D-- do what?" he replied.

"Inspector. Why?" Groucho elaborated.

A quick pause followed as the query hit Wade's ears. He sharply looked up at his superior, a frazzled look in his eyes.

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