Chapter 37 - I, Once Lost, Am Found

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I, once lost, am found.

He, once closed, is now open.

I, once bitter, found sweetness again.

He, once reliant, thought for himself.

I, ill of it, embraced it, along with him.

He, feeling selfish, acted selflessly.

And we...

We, once lost, are found.


Thoughts of poetic grandeur swirled around the lovebird's heads in silent connection as they strolled along the beach, tightly embracing one another. After a tumultuous week, it was time for them to spend the weekend, their bond stronger than ever.

Exiting the beach and leaving the past behind them, the two gently made their way up the stairs back to the Coral Isle Pier above.

As they made their way up, more and more stimulation came their way. As they made their way up, more and more lights of red, white and blue, people, and tension came to be.

Alas, following her breakdown at the Aquatecture exam site, Ember set the Elementopia world afire, with a widespread search party culminating in the Coral Isle Pier.

As they made their way to the top of the stairs, Wade and Ember were shocked to find hundreds scouring the grounds in search. Policemen scanned every nook and cranny with flashlights in hopes that they would find the lost girl.

Alas, with the point of a crowd member's finger, they'd found her.

"Hey-- there she is! The lost girl!" the crowd member barked.

"Where?" another added.

"Over there!" the first reiterated.

Unsure if these accusatory barks were friendly or hostile, Ember began to feel a sense of fluster, gradually slipping behind a now-trustworthy Wade.

"Wait-- you're right!" the second crowd member recognised.

"Police! We found her!" the first yelled.

Upon prompt, as if the word 'action!' had been yelled out, all the flashlights pointed Wade's way as Ember cowered behind him. Her eyes bulged in fright, causing her to kneel down.

Wade flinched at all the bright lights facing his way, holding his arm up.

"Oh-- Ember! Wade!" a familiar voice called out.

Wade's own eyes widened as he heard the familiar call of a relative.

Privvy to the commotion at hand, the Sea-Nears, present in the crowd, pushed their way to the front. Followed just behind them were Ember's worry-stricken superiors, Lin and Phil.

With all that stimulation, Wade gently began to look down at a hiding Ember, turning to her. Like before on the beach, a painful sense of fright could be seen in her eyes.

"Oh no..." she muttered.

Having had enough of seeing her so down, Wade lapsed into a sure expression as he came to a decision.

He kneeled down to meet her level, obscuring her visage to the pressurable eyes abound.

"Talk to me, Ember." Wade began.

"Th- they're gonna arrest me! Flame- this is all my fault." Ember stressed.

"What?! Arrest you for what?" he exclaimed.

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