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Everywhere I see there are fires and fumes lighting up the sky

I turn to my left and there seems to have been a major car accident cause a lot of cars were either flipped off the side of the road or on fire

"It's too fucking early for this shit"

The sky at 3 am is a lot dark but because of the fire and the fumes the sky is illuminating the roads

"Head down the Ladder"

The kids rush to get down causing Elijah to almost slip

"Hey steady ok? Keep yourselves composed this is the 5th floor"

Hell, if they slip, there ain't no going to no hospital

All of us successfully get down

(Unlike apartments now, apartments here have one straight ladder going down that has metal doors that open for each floor. It's very dangerous.)

"Do any of you have a car?" I say

India speaks up

"I do, but it isn't anywhere near here. It's near the Bronx zoo"

"That's too far"-Easton

"I have a van" Isadora says to which I turn confusedly at her

"What do you use that van for? Tricking children?"

Isadora rolls her eyes

"It isn't a boring white van"

"It's a light pink van decorated with spikes" Isadora looked very proud while saying that

'It sure fits her personality'

We stop yapping and head to the location the van is located in which is only a 12 minute walk

As we are running(to shorten the time spent), we keep our eyes peeled for any movements

Occasionally we see people running in random directions but we never see any zombies

We arrive at the location and scan the place

"Found my baby"

'Yeah I also found your baby'

(Unfortunately I can't attach a photo cause there is no light pink van with spikes lmao)

She lets us inside

"You didn't lock the doors?! Your vehicle could've been robbed!"

"I never got robbed in Cali"

"This isn't CALI?!"

"...true but I didn't get robbed of my precious lulubug"



We head inside and lock the doors

"It's quite spacious in here" Easton compliments the van

"Thanks! It's a Senzati Mercedes Jet Class Van" her head reaches the sky

(If you don't know what it means it means that her pride is huge)

"Sounds expensive" Easton replies

"Nah it's only £124k"

Surprisingly no one seems to be shocked at the price

"Oh, I thought it was more expensive than that" Elijah says

"When I first saw it, I thought the same thing too" Saanvi chips in

'What a bunch of rich kids'

"Doesn't the price shock you Leandra?" Elijah asks

"No, why would it?"

To my question he stays quiet

"Is it cause I live in the bronx? We have our rich parts too, like Riverdale"

"Yeah don't live in Riverdale" Elijah says

'This cheeky kid'

"That price is still reasonable for all the things it provides to the owner/renter so it isn't expensive for no reason. What would shock me, is if it's cheaper"

"I'M AN OWNER! OWNER! I NEVER RENT!" Isadora goes out of her mind

We all just blankly look at her

"We have been here wasting time for too long, where do we go?" India who only speaks once a decade asks

"Turn on the radio, let's see if its just like in the movies-Elijah

"Just like the movies?"-Saanvi

"You know, when the survivors hear a message on the radio about there being a safe haven?"-Elijah

"Oh ok then"-Isadora turns on the radio and flips through all different channels before coming across an emergency message

"This just in, people are attacking and EATING other people. We have caught footage of this happening as well as the deceased coming back to life as one of those things and the process repeating"

"Do not got out. Stay in your houses. Help is on the way. I REPEAT-" the radio cuts off

"What happened?"-Saanvi

"Maybe the power shut off"-Easton


I push Isadora out of the driver's seat

"Wha-HEY! Do you even have a license?!"

To which I reply no

"You can't drive then!"

"Yes I can"

"Put your seatbelts on kiddos"


"You look younger than us"-Elijah

(I will shorten Isadora's name to Isa.

I will give India more "screen time" as well. I wanted India to have a quiet personality, like an introvert, but I realized that I barely give her lines and even then she barely even appears twice in a chapter. She will still be an introvert and she will still not have as many lines as the others but I will try to give her at least 10 lines.

I'm sure you guys know but, introverts become extroverts around people they are comfortable with which is the development I want India to go in.

The reason I didn't make her as wild as Isadora was because I genuinely wanted to break some stereotypes people have about black women but just because I want to break stereotypes doesn't mean I can erase her presence like that, it's even worse than making a stereotypical character because I'm not even acknowledging that she is there.

Additionally, just because I want to break stereotypes doesn't mean I have to make her a dull boring character which is the path I was making her go in unintentionally, which isn't what I want. A little sparkle in an empty chest goes long ways and before long, that chest will be illuminated with light.

expect more of her and of me.)

(2024 me and omg that "little light of mine" quote right there is just so....💀)

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