Cans and cans and cans

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---Isa's POV---

Feeling movement from my side makes me wake

I turn to look at Cassidy who seemed to just wake up

She glances at me and apologies

I look towards India and Saanvi and they're also in the process of getting up

We all go outside and find the boys heading to the creek.

"Wait up!" We catch up to them and all head to brush our teeth

"Luckily the creek hasn't totally frozen over" Joel says

They scoop up the freezing water and pour it all in the pot

We make a fire right then and there with the resources around us and watch as the water got heated up

It started boiling a while after but Joel wanted to be sure it was safe to wash our mouths with so he let the water boil for longer than usual

After it reached about 11 minutes I think we all could finally use the water to use to brush. (Yes One of them- Saanvi- brought toothpaste with her)

We all rinsed our mouths before drinking the rest of the water, just to add warmth to our stomach and make sure we don't get dehydrated

...or so Joel states

"Wanna come with me to check up on that Zombie?" I say to Joel


"It's better to stick together" Easton says

We all go to where the zombie was only to find it gone

"Wtf where did it go?" Elijah says

All we found was fresh black blood on the ground

"There's a trail" We all turn to Joel

"Should we follow it?" I say

"That's how people usually die on tv but I'm down" Elijah shrugs

"Let's check it out then"

We all follow the trail and it Joel suddenly stops and make a shushing motion

----Cassidy's POV---

We started following the trail but my brother suddenly stopped and shushed us

I was right behind him so I know why he did that

Up ahead were 2 zombie's munching on corpses

If we kept following the trail, we would've come across them and maybe we'd have to fight them

By now everyone saw the 2 zombies and we aren't equipped to fight them so my brother told everyone to fall back

We were doing just that and even looked down as we walked just in case we made a sound

Everything went without a hitch and we arrived at the campsite

"I think we should move further away, those zombie's were too close to us" I say

"Yeah, those zombies finish their meal and decide to wander to us in the middle of the night and...well you know" Saanvi adds

The others agree as no one wants to be a zombie's meal

"Thankfully we followed the trail so we know to move camp" India says while taking off the blanket off the wood

"Agreed" I say

We start trekking across the field and just walk and walk and walk until we find another creek

------Elijah's POV---

I look up and see snow falling

"You can't be serious right now. Oh. My.God"
I hear Isa say

Ugh man

Man I don't know what it was

Maybe because I bottled up my feelings or it started snowing and I'm jetlagged but I started tearing up

I didn't want the others to notice so I bent down to tie my shoes and wiped them away before anyone could see them

Of course the lie detector (India lol) and my best friend noticed

Easton looked at me all worried so I just sent a chuckle his way

He got closer to me and we just walked silently with the group

"Are those houses up ahead?!" Isa shouts

"Hey be quiet" India shushed her

"Sorry but look over there" she points to my front left and we all look

"Let's keep walking but if anyone wants to rest take it, just make sure to message your legs so your muscles don't relax" Joel says

"Nah I'm good, shit forget it I'm in peak condition right now" I say

"Same here" Easton adds

Joel looks to the girls and they all agree so we keep walking to our destination

---narrator's POV---

25 minutes later~

The group finally arrives at the entrance of the small neighborhood

The streets are filled with bodies, blood, wrecked cars, fire and smoke too

"Oh shit..." Elijah whispers

Joel's eyes furrow as he walks to a house

He peeks inside the windows and find zombies inside

He leads them to another house where he sees the the same scene

He goes from house to house until finally he can't see any zombies from any angle

He carefully turns the door knob

"As expected, it's locked" I whisper

"Anyone has a bobby pin?" Isa says

"Uh I do" Cassidy rummages through her hair before finding it and handing it to Isa

Isa walks up to the door and starts using the bobby pin to open the door

"...we got a lockpicker convenient"
I sarcastically say

I hear her sigh and I know she rolled her eyes at my comment

Easton and I start snickering

We stop when we hear a click

Isa turns to me

"Look what I bring to the table, what do YOU bring?"

She smirks at me before letting Joel go first

I can't help but raise my eyebrow at her comment

We all head inside

---Easton's POV---

I look back and forth between Isa and Elijah

'enemies to lovers when?' I whisper to which Isa turns to look at me in utter disgust

"Pfft hahaha"

"Dude, shut up!" Elijah says which prompts me to laugh using my inside voice

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