Happy birthday

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Book of destinys

Character names

Jake, Brother, 17
Carl, Brother, 15
Jimmy, Brother, 14
aria Siren , 17
Luke, 16
Ivy, 16
Zeph, werewolf, 17
Lorenzo, vampire, 18
Clary, rules fairy, 14
Crystal, chill fairy, 14
Mari, fun fairy, 14
King, 4o

It was an early morning and the day was Monday It was my birthday, I was turning 16 and my mother and father told me some thing that would change my life completely I'm adopted And they know the names of my real family they called on the phone and stuff and if I wanted to go visit

so they drove me there and went back to the house and I knocked on their door they opened it and a woman hugged me and started crying and said oh leyla I missed you so much I'm so sorry I ever did that to you sweetheart come sit on the couch so I did I sat on the couch and she introduced me to my three brothers one is 17 his name is Jake One is 15 his name is Carl and the other is 14 his name is Jimmy I said so why did you put me up for adoption.

"sweetheart at the time I was 18 I had already had Jake I couldn't take care of another baby but I did name you Leyla so I could find you when the time was right".

all of a sudden my brother Jake's best friend Luke Opens the door without knocking and said "Who is this?"

my mother said "this is leyla and I was just about to ask her a question Luke so please be quiet for a minute" I said what was the question. "Honey I would like it if you'd come live with us you could stay with us for a little bit that's OK but I really want to be a part of your life" I said yesss because I wanna meet my family and get to know them.

my mother showed me a bedroom painted all pink across from carl's room all the brothers and Luke were hanging out in Carl's room they all seemed like they were best friends I started unpacking and putting all my stuff in the room and decorating it looked amazing

the boys came in my room and asked me if I wanted to go to the store with them and I said yes even though I was shy because I've never spent time with them before they all were laughing and pushing each other as they got in the car I got in the backseat all of them were in the front listening to slipknot really loud on blast once we got to the store we met Jake's girlfriend aria she was really rude and acted like I was out to get her or something just because I'm a new girl in the family she looks like she had scales on her skin but that's just me imagining things again we went in the store and started getting a bunch of food once we got out everybody got in the car Jake dropped his girlfriend home and we drove back to our house it still feels so weird calling it our house.

we walk in the door and everybody welcomes us Jake whispered in my ear and said oh no run so we all ran to Jake's room and laughed I heard my mom talking in the dining room and said" they're getting along just fine" once we were in Jake's room I saw he had a drum set a microphone set and three guitars hanging on the wall I asked him are you a musician.?

He said "I wish I'm really good check it" all the brothers started playing and they sounded really good  Jimmy said "all we need is a singer for our band and we can compete in the battle of the bands"
I can sing I said.
"You can said Jake"
yeah I can I've been singing my whole life
"OK try it read these notes Jimmy said"

I sang. I hear your voice in my head this song repeats again and again.
"Wow she really can sing" said Carl
"do you want to be the singer in our band please do it leyla we need you" said Jake

yes I will I said we started practicing for a couple hours and then our mom shouted dinners ready, we were having burgers and hotdogs we got to choose, I don't like hotdogs so I had a burger my brothers all had hotdogs. after dinner it was time to take a shower I brought all my shower stuff so I could take a shower and it was kind of scary taking a shower at their house but I have to remember it's my house now to I got in the shower and started singing.

my mom knocked on the door and said honey I brought you some body scrub I said come in she came in and said
"sweetheart your voice is beautiful"
I said thank you mom to her for the first time and she said
"I know this might be a little early but I love you sweetheart"
I said I loved her too and she left the bathroom.

after I was done with my shower I got out and sat on my new bed it was so comfortable and I passed out.

the next morning we had to go to school, school starts on a Tuesday for us this year my mother woke me up and she gave me a big box of clothes that she bought for me She left and I put on a light purple crop top a purple leather jacket with gems on it and some white ripped jeans I put on a necklace my mom got for me it has a heart with two people in it and some white shoes to go with the outfit.

my brothers knocked on my door and told me to hurry up we had to be there in 10 minutes. I said hold on I was almost done curling my hair, they told me to get in the car they'll be outside starting it I ran to the car knowing them they would probably leave without me if I was any later. I was just in time they were just about to leave I got in the backseat and they were listening to their loud music which I loved by the way.

as we got to school it was a new school for me so everybody was looking at me weird I walked to my homeroom which was door 111 I saw Luke in my homeroom he must be my age too he's kinda cute though but that's my brother's best friend he motioned me to come sit by him "so I did so where did you come from before you came here like who is your adoptive parents"
Uhh their names are Mike and Angela I said. He said
"oh cool cool do you wanna hang out after school"
sure I said why not.
I had most of my classes with him and a girl I met her name is Ivy she's really nice.

As soon the day was over  I called my mom and asked her if I could hang out with Luke and she said "Luke?" "Jake's friend"
I said yeah.
and she said "well OK just be home by nine"

then Luke give me a ride to his house we got in and  his mom and dad were in the living room watching TV I looked out the window in the living room and he lives by a lake,
we went to his room once we got in there I immediately noticed there was a big square in the Ceiling of his bedroom with a cover over it and a latter I asked what it was and he said
"oh it's nothing"
"it's just an attic"
I didn't really bother him about it anymore we sat down on his bed and started talking and laughing a lot but soon it was 8:40 and I had to go home he gave me a ride home and said "we should hang out again" I said yeah we should this was fun.

I went in the house and my mom went in my room with me and sat down and said
"so Luke huh"
what do you mean I said.
"Oh you know do you have a crush on him"
she said I said well he is kind of cute but it's Jake's friend so I can't.
"you know love is love leyla if you like him go get him"
Hey mom. I said
"yes sweetie"
I'm kind of feeling a little homesick I love it here so much but I kinda miss my cat and Mike and Angela you know
" sweetheart I understand it's normal to miss people I can see if Mike and Angela will drop your cat off you want that? and you can give them a hug"
yeah that sounds amazing thank you mom we hugged and she left so I could go to bed.

I tried to go to sleep but I can't stop thinking of the attic in Luke's room it just doesn't make sense why there would be an attic in his room and he was dodging my questions about it there's something he's not telling me I feel like, I drift off well thinking about it.

all of a sudden I had a dream that I was in a castle I started to realize the dream was in a different timeline there was this guy name Luke he looked exactly like the real Luke he was a prince apparently Im supposed to marry his father once I turn 16 but I'm already 16 my friend Ivy was also in the dream she was a princess and then I woke up from my loud alarm before I could get any more details.
that was a weird dream it felt so real

I got ready for school and put on a pink top a pink sweater and some dark low waisted jeans that showed my stomach A little bit of my white Nikes and my brothers give me a ride to school again I'm pretty sure it's gonna be like this the whole year i'm already tired and it's the second day.

Once I got to my homeroom I saw Luke again "hey what did you dream about last night"?

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