Was it a dream?

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he said that's kind of a weird question I said. He laughs and says I know but for real.
I told him about my dream anyways because it's just a dream.. right?.
His eyes widen and he says "if you have any more dreams like this let me know"
why I said.
"Oh nothing no reason" he said just like last time.
Hey do you still wanna hang out after school I said.
"Do you want to"he said.
I said yes.
just like last time we had most of our classes together and then the day was over I called my mom again and told her that I was going to hang out with Luke and she said OK be home by nine.
I said OK love you
she said love you too.
Once we got to Luke's house his parents weren't home but you could still see the pretty lake out of the living room window we went in Luke's room and I asked him why his parents weren't home?.
"Oh I don't know they're probably at work or something" he said.
he had a ladder in his room this time it was to the attic he asked me if I wanted to go to the attic
I said you're not gonna kidnap me are you?.
"No I just want to show you something but you have to promise to keep it a secret"
I promise I said.
Once we went up there it wasn't a ordinary attic it had a stand with a book on it the book said True Destinees on it.

"Open the book leyla it's your destiny"
what the fuck are you talking about I said
"just trust me okay"
I opened the book and a bunch of colors started flying around in circles it looks like butterflies and birds he grabbed onto my hand and we were both flying in the air we were floating through the roof then all of a sudden we were outside of the castle the one in my dream he was there with me except he was dressed like a prince and I was dressed like a queen to be I asked him what the fuck was going on he said
"we're in your true destiny this is what you were born to do this Has to be our little secret though"
should I trust you even?.
"Yes you can I'm your guide I'll lead you through this place"
we walk in the castle and he brings me to my room in the castle and says "stay in here it's best if you do" so I did as he said I stayed in there for what felt like hours A king came in my room and said
"you're beautiful leyla just as I dreamt of you"
who are you I said.
"I'm your king" he said
where is Luke
"do you mean Lucas he's in his room locked in there I'll be right back stay in here"
he locked the door Lucas somehow unlocked my door and got out of his room too he told me to grab his hand and run we ran out of the castle.  this all felt like a fever dream, we ran into a McDonald's where Ivy was working she said you must not be here
"Leyla this is Ivy"
yeah I know her I said madly.
"look leyla this is a very scary destiny you have you need to listen to Luke and me at all times at least until you learn the basics you need to play along you're going to be queen" Ivy said.

You guys take me home now I said.
so Luke me and Ivy all took hands and ended up back in Luke's attic still touching the book as if we haven't moved since like time stopped except Ivy wasn't here she was home she must have her own book  leyla soon you'll have your own book but you need to listen to me OK
The only people that know about this is me Ivy jake Carl Jimmy and Jake's girlfriend you need to keep this a secret
why do so many people know about this. I said "because it's their destiny two if you're born into a Book of destiny you have to fulfill your destiny it's forbidden to not do it"
do we all have different destinies? I said
"yes and no all of our destinies will cross in path. yes it will feel like a dream but it's not it's real, once you touch your book and open it you have to be in there, everybody's story has a meaning and it will fit into your book but being in the book means you have to fight most of all play along and always listen to what people say, the reason why it's so dangerous is because there's sirens vampires werewolves witches anything you could possibly imagine in there it will get really crazy so you have to stay listening"
OK I will I need time to think I said. 

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