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"leyla grab all your stuff and grab onto my hand we're going home I have something to tell you.
Okay? We held hands and shift back
so what did you need to tell me?
Look The truth is I just don't want you getting hurt zeph is more of a playboy and aria is from The book of destiny's but I found a way to date her here and there"
How did you do that?
"I had to have permission from the king to hold her hand and bring her back with me but it's not that simple. in your case The king wants to marry you, he'll never allow you to to bring somebody back he will most likely want you to stay there with him."
Oh my God I can't I don't want to I said
" yeah that's why I was afraid of telling you but seriously watch out for all the guys in the book because if you never come back that Will be a problem with mom"
Wait mom knows about this?
"Yes but we haven't told her about the king yet"
Why not?
"Because if we tell her who knows what she'll do look we all want to tell her but if she goes in there and tries to hurt the king she'll never come back out"
Holy crap I don't want her to get stuck in there I said .
Yeah me neither Jake said.
But I am going to tell her I have a book.
Uhh okay but it's your funeral. Jake said

I end up walking out to the living room where my mom is sitting in her chair the rest of the family were sitting on the couch and in the kitchen talking. I sat down and said hey mom.
Hey sweetie what's up
Do you know anything about a book?
"Leyla please don't tell me you have one"
Well I do but it's really nothing I just wanted to know what you are in your book?
Sweetheart go get your brothers right now no I want you all to sit on the couch and listen to what I have to say.

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