The kings

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The guards lead us upstairs " only one of youse able to go in.
" Yes that would be me I'm the one he called I said
"uhh okay"
I go in and say I heard you called for a doctor?
" no I did not call for a doctor why are you here?"
Somebody called for a doctor I said
"Well it wasn't me get out"
Could it be the little girl in front of the castle? We get  emergency letters a lot but most of the time they're not emergencies.
"No that's my daughter she wouldn't do that I would like it if you got out of my castle now"
Okay have a nice day king I bowed.
I leave the room and the guard leads us back down and escorted us out have a nice day I said.

Jimmy the king has a daughter that little girl is his daughter.
"Oh my god it can't be nobody's ever known  if the king even has kids"
Well he does and he told me that was his daughter but  doctor raccoon we should go now sooner or later he'll figure out that I'm in his past and he won't be happy I said.
You're right he grabbed my hand and we ended up back home right where we were when we left it was still the exact same time like every time i'll never get used to that.

We ran to the living room and said you guys are never going to believe what we just found out.

"What?" Mom said
The king has a daughter I said
"No way The king doesn't have children"
Yes he does we traveled and it took us to the kings timeline when he was younger, the castle was much brighter and there was a little girl sitting in front of the castle, I'm just trying to figure out who she is she could be anybody.
" I can't believe it he's up to something and I need to find out"

All right guys Jake tell aria to get over here I'll go call Luke we should all meet up in my room and try to figure this out. mom I know you said that we're not supposed to talk about it but I'm not gonna tell the whole truth i'm just going to say a few things and hope that someone knows what I'm talking about.
"OK be careful"
I will

Everybody gets here and gathers into my room.
aria said "what was so important that I had to come here"
Just listen there's a girl that I saw playing with shells in a different timeline I don't know who's it was but I found it really weird because I don't know who this girl is.
" and you want to find her aria said?"
yes I do
"Well she could be anyone really it's not that simple you don't even know what timeline you were in so it's gonna be hard to find out who you're talking about"
Yeah maybe you're right aria but I still have to try.
So guys who's gonna help me?
Everybody puts their hand up even aria which surprises me me and her haven't really seen eye to eye on things but she seems pretty nice I thought to myself.

All right let's all touch the book in 3....2....1.....
We all did and it looks like a storm again. only it looks worse than it did last time...

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