Secret revealed

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Okay.  I go and get jake jimmy and Carl you guys mom wants us to all sit on the couch she hast to tell us something.
"Oh god what did you say jimmy said"
Nothing I just told her I have a book and I asked her what she is in hers.
"Well leyla she's never told us what exactly she is The only thing she's ever said really was that she has a book and she wants us all to be careful she trained us and was our guide for a while and even then she never told us what she was"
OK let's go.
We all go sit on the couch and glance at each other like something terrible is gonna happen.
"all right look at me you guys I need to tell you something you cannot tell anybody only the fairies know. i'm the head fairy im queen of all fairies I always knew there was a chance that leyla could be a fairy or a werewolf like your father"
" wait our father is a werewolf?"
"Yes sweetheart i'll tell you about it later but you need to listen if Leyla becomes a fairy she can be trained to defeat the king and his army but she'll need your guises help"
werewolves and fairies working together? I said
"Yes you all need to work together and defeat him I was in A war with his army and my fairies one day and he said he was going to take my only daughter from me and raise her to marry him and sweetheart I didn't tell the truth about why I gave you up.

The truth is after that war I was pregnant with you and when I found out you were a girl I wanted to keep you so bad but I couldn't because if he knew I had a daughter he would take you and I didn't want to risk that. I love you so much and I'm so glad that you're in our family now but he's going to try to take you and you have to be prepared and find out what you are before you fight that's why I sent the fairies to lead you to their castle so they can tell you everything.
Oh wow this is a lot to take in.
" I know sweetie and I'm so glad that you told me you got a book I was really scared for the day but now that I told you all of this I expect you not to tell anybody our plan stays secret Jake no telling area leyla no telling luke or any of your guises friends nobody gets to know. We all said OK then I went to go lay down

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