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he took me home and I went and laid down in my bed. my brother Jake came in the room and said "so did Luke show you"
yes he did I said.
"Oh now we can all go together though I have to tell you something you need to watch out for Area in your destiny"
your girlfriend? I said.
"Yes she's a siren in her destiny you'll find out what you are  sooner or later you just need to be there for long enough"
what are you I said
"me Carl and Jimmy are all werewolves we
don't know what you are though we'll have to figure it out" "hey do you wanna practice our band before we go to bed"
I said yes and we went to Jake's room we practiced for about an hour and then I went back to my room and went to bed.

The next morning was the weekend I woke up though because I'm so used to my alarm waking me up early I saw there was a book sitting at the end of my bed oh my God it's my book of destinies it was tiny it only had two pages probably because I only visited twice once in my dream and once from Luke's book i'm not gonna touch it I left it there and covered it with some blankets I ran to Jake's room he was still sleeping but I woke him up and said oh my God oh my God oh my God Jake wake up "what what do you want" my book of destiniesis on my bed. "What your book of destinies isn't supposed to be here for another two days you haven't gone with us all yet do not touch that book leyla if you touch the book something could go completely wrong you could get stuck in there for hours maybe even days without a guide to help you out"
I didn't, I didn't touch the book I covered it with some of my blankets.
"Good don't touch it unless we're holding hands you got it your still not used to the book I don't want you getting lost let me go get ready and then we can go in the book I have to find out why you have it so early it could be a trap"
I said OK I'm kind of excited to find out what I am.
I get ready to Jake comes back in my room and says "OK don't say anything you're not supposed to say listen to what other people are saying and never agree to a marriage in there unless it's someone you know got it?"
got it I said.
We hold hands and portal into the book just like last time except my portal was pink and purple with butterflies and fairies.

we're back in there except we're in arias timeline this time I'm kind of scared we go over to the sea to find area jake puts his finger in the water and quickly takes it out areas already there by the time he's done she has scales all over her body and a huge tail that's dark blue she has long nails Long hair and sharp teeth he grabbed my hand and said we better go so we did before she could drag us in the water we ran until we got to a Abandoned field by the woods where the werewolves are suddenly I could hear rustling noises coming from the words five tall boys came out from the words and said
" well look who we have here The kings little pet"
I was confused by what he said. What do you mean kings little pet?
I asked but Jake told me to stop talking  and so I did
"aww are you just gonna listen to him like that"
yes because he's my brother I said.
"Jake you better Watch out little one here is coming for your throne there's a full moon tonight" "okay leyla Tonight is the perfect night to find out if you were a werewolf if you aren't and everybody turns I want you to run okay" jake said. I said okay.

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