Like a fairy

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We all end up scattered in different places I'm alone I start walking around trying to find jimmy Jake or Carl but the first person I find is aria she looks scared it seems she was looking for Jake
hey aria over here I said
"oh thank god hey girl"
Hey are you okay?
"Yeah I'm just really sorry about being so mean to you when I met you"
It's OK I forgive you I said
"Really that means a lot thank you so much"
No worries girl it's OK I said.

We started walking around sooner or later we found Carl he was wandering around.
hey Carl I said
"Hey I'm really scared this is never happened before leyla"
I know everything's gonna be OK Carl okay?
Aria Carl let's try to find the others I said.
We start to try to find the others and sooner or later we find Jimmy and Jake sitting by a tree
"guys over here aria said"
wait you guys where is Luke? I said
"I don't know now I think of it look has been kind of quiet should we go try and find him maybe he's scared Jake says"
Okay we look everywhere but we can't find Luke at all. It's almost as if he vanished.

OK guys I think the first place we should go is The fairies castle i'm ready.
"What do you mean aria said?"
I'm a fairy I said
"Oh wow" she said.
Yeah let's go

We all make our way there the fair is open the door before I could even know they knew I was coming
clary said "only you're allowed in right now your friends will have to wait out there"
Oh okay I said
" We'll be right out here leyla Carl said
Okay let's do this.
I go in there and all the fairies congratulate me.
what are you congratulating me for?
"For staying pure we're proud of you and we're proud to present your fairy wings are you ready? The final battles coming up sooner than we expected but you'll have to learn quick" said Crystal.
OK this is gonna hurt a little bit but we're just gonna stick them in your back they'll heal right away because they were meant for you.
"Whatever color they turn is what kind of fairy you are are you ready Mari said" she sticks the wings into my back it hurts for a second but it goes away.
I look at the Wings and they turned pink they're so beautiful.
"Oh wow mari said"
I know they're so pretty I said.
"No it's just that leyla pink is a rare color it means natural born leader you could be our next queen clary said"
Oh wow this is a lot.
" yes we get it it might be a lot to take in but if you win this war you could be our leader we believe in you Crystal said"
It means a lot coming from you guys I love you guys so Much, I've always wanted friends like you and now that I finally figured out what I am I'm glad to be a fairy I said.
"awww stoppp you're making me tear up mari said"
"Aw I have grown fond of you to Clary said"
"You're so sweet we love you too as much as Clary doesn't want to admit it she does said Crystal"

All right I gotta get back now I think the battle it's starting
"all right just fly up Mari said"
OK I tried to fly and it didn't work the first time but I tried a couple more times and it worked I learned how to fly with my new wings, this is great.
"All right Leyla do you have your pixie dust perfume"
"Leaf landing shoes?"
"Your wand"
"All right you're ready but we have two more things to give you"
What is it
"it's a fairy spell book Mari said"
"And a spell mirror Crystal said"
"You can change yourself into fairy size with the spell book and your wand. we can make it rain for you but you have to tell us through the spell mirror okay said clary"
We went back outside and everybody was still waiting all right guys let's go try to find Luke again okay? I said
Okay everybody else said
Now let's go

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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