Whos timeline

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I woke up the next morning and went to jimmys room hey are you awake? I said.
"Yes now I am what's up"
"I was just wondering if you want to go in my book with me I'm scared to go alone"
"uhhh are you sure your ready I don't think you should" Jake said
It's okay i just want to get this battle over so I can get back to real life you know I said.
"Well I get it but you have to be careful you can't just get it over with something bad could happen"
I know but I want to I said. "Okay I guess "

We go to my room and grab onto the book but somethings very different this time the portal isn't colorful it's pink and red kind of like a storm I don't know what's happening but I don't think it's good.

Wait jimmy where are we?
"Uhh I don't know"
Well I've never seen this place before
"Could this be the battle mom was talking about"?
I don't think so she said it's not supposed to happen yet she said we need to train.
" Well whatever it is it seems dangerous should we go back?"
Maybe but we just got here I wanna see whose story we're in.
"Okay and if something bad happens what's your codeword for grab my hand?"
I don't know what about raccoon?
"Why raccoon"
I don't know I thought of it on the spot.
"Oh well I guess that can be the code word just say it whenever you want to go home and we'll go home"

We started walking around for a little bit but I noticed a little girl sitting in the grass playing with shells hello what's your name I said? The little girl stared at me and started playing with her shells again, I thought that was pretty odd but me and Jimmy started walking around again But I couldn't help but notice the castle the little girl was sitting in front of looked familiar. and then it hit me oh my God that's the kings castle, but it looks clean and brand new.

Wait Jimmy I have an idea what if this is the kings timeline this is the kings castle but who is that little girl it just doesn't make sense?
"I don't know honestly but this is starting to get a little creepy"
I know but we have to find out
"Yeah I know you always have to find out something"
Wait Jimmy will you come with me in the Castle?
"Are you kidding that's so risky... Let's do it"
All right let's go

We enter the castle and the guards stopped us and said "who might you be?"
I'm a doctor i'm here because the King called I said. I was sweating I didn't think he was going to believe a word I said. I don't even know how old the king is in this timeline.
"Oh and who is this Young man?"
He's my boss.
"oh well we can escort you to the room Doctor?"
Doctor Mae I said
"Ahh okay right this way doctor Mae and?"
"Uh doctor raccoon Jimmy said"
I almost giggled when he said that but I had to keep it together.
"ummm okay doctor Mae and doctor raccoon right this way."

Great our plan is in motion I thought to myself.

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