As The World Falls Down

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—There's such a fooled heartBeatin' so fastIn search of new dreamsA love that will lastWithin your heartI'll place the moonWithin your heart—	–David Bowie

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—There's such a fooled heartBeatin' so fastIn search of new dreamsA love that will lastWithin your heartI'll place the moonWithin your heart— –David Bowie

Before Alex can think of anything else her arm is being pulled up so that her legs straighten out. Steve's hand is comfortably on her arm, dragging her toward his car.

Nancy walks past Steve's car and to hers, Steve stops her, "W-Wait where are you going?"

"I have an idea, it's a real shot in the dark." Nancy turns before walking backwards to her car.

"No, you can't go alone, not with this Vecna creep on the loose." Steve shakes his head, putting his hands on his hips in his motherly stance. He tosses his keys to Robin, "Here, I'll go with Nance, you go with them."

"Uh- you don't want me driving your car." Robin shakes her head.

"Why not?"

"I don't have a license," Robin throws his keys back. "Alex can drive."

"She is in no state to be behind the wheel." Steve pauses, "Why can't you drive?"

"I'm poor." Robin says, obviously.

"I can drive." Max shrugs.

"No! No! Never again." Steve points at her.

Alex is leaning against Steve's hood staring at the forest while Robin walks past Steve, standing next to Nancy. "I'll go with Nancy, you go to the school... unless you think we need to be protected."

Steve just sighs, running his hands through his hair, he begrudgingly walks towards his car. Dustin is the next to speak, "You just gonna stand there and gawk?"

"Shut up." Stever dismisses, walking to his side of the car. "Get in the car."

Before Dustin can join Max in the back seat Steve stops, "Wipe your feet." Dustin proceeds to wipe his dirty shoes inside of Steve's car on the clean mat. "On the outside, not the inside."

"Always the babysitter," Steve starts the car with Alex sitting next to him. "Always the god damn babysitter."

Since school's not in session it's a small chance that they'd find Miss Kelly at the school, so when they pull up to her house, Max walks up to the front door.

"Alright, she's in."

"Missing collarbones, not eyes, Steve." The three sit in silence for about three seconds before Dustin slides over to sit in the middle of the backseat. "So, we gonna talk about... it?"

"Huh?" Steve finally takes his eyes off the door to look at Dustin behind him. "Sorry, talk about what?"

"Your temporary insanity earlier today, where you basically threw yourself at Nance."

"Okay, first that's not what happened."

"Really? Really sure that's what happened." Dustin nods, piercing his lips, "It was pretty public, there were like a lot of witnesses."

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