Wait For You?

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—You've got your passion, you've got your pride

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—You've got your passion, you've got your pride

But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?

Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true, ooh

When will you realize Vienna waits for you? —

        —Billy Joel

People race into the gym as Alex stands with the cheerleaders shouting their chants as they warm up for the game. Alex takes in her surroundings, she sees Nancy Wheeler standing near the corner with two of her Hawkins Newspaper classmates, she looks further to her right and sees Robin in her band uniform standing next to Vickie, And coming in from behind Nancy, Steve with his date, Brenda.

    "Everyone please rise for our national anthem." everyone from behind her raises from their spots on the bleachers. "Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own, Tammy Thompson."

    Alex doesn't mean to but she snorts, only loud enough for Chrissy to hear from next to her, the blonde nudges her with her elbow. Tammy comes in with a pastel pink dress, with white boots, and a white jacket. Alex looks behind her with a bewildered look, making eye contact with Robin and then Steve, they both hold the same expression.

Then it starts, an off key, muppet sounding, national anthem. Alex laughs to herself silently, she looks to the basketball team who was lined up to their left. She sees Lucas glancing behind him looking toward an empty spot on the bleachers, she doesn't know why he looks but she has a gut feeling that it has something to do with his friends. Who she knows for a fact are down the hall in the drama room.

As the opening tip plays, we win the ball as we dribble up court. And at seven minutes and fifty three seconds Hawkins high shoots the first goal and scores. "Push 'em back, defense, push 'em back..."

The cheerleaders drone on as Alex looks around the room spotting Nancy writing on her notepad and Jason pointing to Chrissy when he walks back down the court.

As the game goes on and on and on. Jason seems angrier, sure there was an injury and a foul that definitely wasn't theirs but still. Calm the fuck down, dude.

And then it gets fun, Lucas Sinclair is in the game.

As Jason calls a time-out, Alex is just in ear shot that she can hear Jason arguing about taking the winning shot. And at this point Alex wants to go home, she's got work in the morning.

But Jason misses. As the players jump to get the ball for a rebound, it lands in Lucas' hands, he pivots and gets a free shot.

Two seconds

He raises to shoot.


He lets it go, and as the buzzer sounds when the ball is headed for the basket. It seems to go in slow motion as it circles the edges of the rim. It leaves the edge of the rim, hits the backboard... and goes in!

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