Break The Chain.

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—And if you don't love me now

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—And if you don't love me now

You will never love me again

I can still hear you saying

You would never break the chain—

-Fleetwood Mac

"Alexandra! Get up! Now! I won't ask again." She heard from under her, Alex's mother, downstairs. Alex groans rolling out of bed and stumbling to the closet. She grabbed the outfit she had stacked on the dresser from the night before and quickly changed into the tight green and white cheerleading outfit.

God how I hate this thing.

The brunette tugged on her tennis shoes as she hopped towards the bathroom, she looked in the mirror and to be completely truthful, she wasn't looking so hot. She pretty much looks like a zombie who just crawled out from their grave. She carefully put concealer under her under eye circles, painted dark mascara on her lashes and threw her hair up into a tight ponytail.

She assesses herself in the mirror and decides that this is the best that she can get today without missing her ride. Before she left her room she slid on her silver rings and put on her simple silver necklace. Racing down the stairs Alex makes a quick stop in the kitchen grabbing her lunch and an apple when she hears a honk. Sighing as her mom turns from her place at the stove.

    "I swear I need to get you an alarm clock that will pour water on you." she rolls her eyes. Alex quickly ties her shoes and grabs her brown bag from the small bench by the door, stuffing her lunch into it.

    "Love you too." She says as she opens the front door and sees Steve and Robin both sitting in his burgundy BMW that was parked in front of the house.

    "Be safe.'' She hears her mom call out as she closes the door behind her, seeing Steve motion for her to hurry up. She doesn't reply to her mom as she runs to the car, Alex opens the door and slides in next to Robin's band hat.

    "What the hell took so long." Steve said as he pulled out of the neighborhood, she just shrugged and sat her backpack on her lap as she bit into her apple. The pair in the front of the car were talking about Steve's love life, when were they not? Alex stares out of the car windows and sees a large field of flowers, a type of field that would usually house some type of crop like corn, but not this one, it was filled with purple, yellow, white, and blue flowers. She appreciated the view, mostly when she wasn't driving, she got to admire them more.

    She got knocked out of her thoughts by Steve speaking, "And then there's Hedi tomorrow night, but the problem with Hedi is that she's going out of state for college." Robin was listening  as she was putting on mascara while he was talking. "Do I want to start another relationship that has no other point than just sex?" The two girls still haven't said a word, just listening to the 19 year old boy talk about his girl problems. "I mean, I don't know. Does that make sense to you?" he said as she looked back at Alex and then to Robin, noticing she was not paying attention. "Robin, are you listening?"

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