Chapter Eight

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Not getting explicit in this one after all because as my chapters tend to grew and grew so I split it up xD

Also not sure how I feel about my Dean in this one...but well. I hope you guys will enjoy it!

Warning for hateful comments and slurs in Dean's thoughts towards the end so watch out for the parts in italics.


"Can I come home, Dean?"

It was all too much. The raw honesty in Cas' voice, that hint of desperate hope, the soft touch of their foreheads. Dean could feel a crack in the last wall of doubt in his mind, the chains that had restrained him crumbling away. He nodded, tears forming in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks as he pressed their foreheads closer together.

"Yeah." Dean closed his eyes, just kept nodding, his head moving against Cas'. "Yeah. Yeah, okay."

He heard how Cas released a breath of relief, could feel the warm air ghosting over his skin, and he couldn't think, couldn't think beyond the angel's touch and words, and he needed to be closer.

Cas wanted to come home. He wanted to come home to Dean. How could he ever deny that?

So he nodded and cried and nodded more desperately, hands coming up to grip at Cas' bare shoulders, pulling him in, closer, closer - pulling him home. The comforting warm contact of their foreheads separated shortly when Dean angled his head, but the loss was soon forgotten when his lips sought out Cas', fumbling with closed eyes until Cas took mercy on him and slotted their mouths together, kissing him deeper with a sigh of contentment that could have come from either of them. Dean didn't know, didn't care, not when he had Cas' taste on his tongue and Cas' lips pressed against his and Cas' arms encircling him like he never wanted to let go.

The kiss broke, but their faces stayed close, their hands clinging to each other. Dean found himself nuzzling his nose against Cas' in a mindless attempt to keep their proximity, even as he was panting for breath, his skin burning with the need to feel the angel, to give him what he'd asked, whatever that might include. Whatever Dean had to give, little as it might be - if Cas wanted it, it was his for the taking.

"Cas...", he breathed, his fingers tightening even more, knuckles white and nails leaving crescent-shaped marks on Cas' shoulder blades.

"Mine", he heard himself say, like a litany in his head, spilling out of his mouth. "My angel."

A hand left Dean's back to wander up over his shoulder and neck until it came to cup his face, a thumb sweeping over his cheek to wipe through the wet tear stains he couldn't even bother being embarrassed about right now.

"Dean", Cas said, and that one word, his name on those lips, in that voice - Dean was sure he'd never hear anything better, ever again.


"My angel", Dean had said, sending a shiver down Cas' spine.

He wanted to carve the words into his grace and wear them in front of Heaven, show them all that he was more than a fallen angel with a crack in his chassis, more than any of them would ever be.

He wasn't nothing, wasn't worthless.

He was Dean's angel.

He pressed kisses to the wet trails on Dean's cheeks, tenderly drying the remaining tears with his lips and thumbs, revelling in the fact that Dean just let him, in the way he released a shaky breath and melted into Cas' touches. He left a soft kiss on Dean's eyelids that made him whimper, another to the corner of his mouth, Dean's lips searching, following, trying to capture Cas' again. Cas let him, connecting their lips properly and deepening the kiss when Dean opened his mouth for Cas' probing tongue.

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