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Hello and thanks to everyone who stumbles over this, and if you're here from my other spn fics, welcome back! Maybe I'll actually manage to keep this relatively short and it won't get out of hand and turn from a oneshot to 90k *sighs*

Just a short Prologue to set the scene:) We'll go back in time in the next chapter to see how we happened to be here and then return to the boys in the third one. It's not all written yet so I'll have to see with how many chapters we'll end up, originally I was thinking 5 max but that ship has already sailed, so...... And I know myself. It's always more in the end than I anticipated. Anyway xD

Thanks to everyone who decides to give this a try! I'd love to hear what you think so far! <3


Dean wasn't exactly sure how he'd ended up here.

Dragged out of a bar on a Saturday evening, a little more drunk than he cared to admit (though not entirely his fault) with an angel of the Lord holding his upper arm in a vice grip, dragging him along into the cold night air.


Dean tried to push back as he was flung against a wall, failed miserably. Fucking angelic super strength!

"What the fuck, man?"

He struggled against the hand pressing him to the cold stone, tried not to think about how stupid hot it was that Cas could just manhandle him like this. Nope. So not the time to think about that stuff. Actually, never should be a good time to think about such things. Yep.

Dean looked up in frustration to meet blue eyes sparkling with anger, just a hint of grace flashing in their depths. (Which wasn't hot either. Dammit.)

"The Hell do you think you're doing??"

"What I think I'm doing?", Cas asked, huffing in disbelief. "You have the nerve to ask me what I think I'm doing? What are you doing!??"

"Me?" Dean pushed uselessly at Cas' arm. "Nothing? I just-"

"You just started a fight for no reason", Cas accused him, and whoa, now that was so not true!

"No reason? Hold on a second-"

But Cas broke him off before he had the chance to justify himself. Not that he needed justification, anyway.

"If I hadn't healed Tony's concussion he would have needed a hospital, Dean!"

There was general concern in Cas' eyes, and Dean hated it, hated knowing that it was concern for someone that wasn't him, hated how much he hated that, hated that he had put it there. He ignored the sudden wave of guilt and shame, buried them for the time being beneath the rest of his raging emotions.

"Hospital, my ass", he mumbled. "I didn't even hit him that hard. And it's Tony now, is it?"

Fucking hell, he could hear the stupid jealousy practically dripping from his own voice. How pathetic. He just hoped Cas mistook it for anger.

He couldn't tell, though. Something behind Cas' eyes had hardened, his grip on Dean's shirt loosening until he drew back completely, putting space between himself and Dean who had to lean against the wall for support.

"If you have to know, yes", Cas said, an unfamiliar coldness in his tone he usually reserved for people who...well, weren't Dean. "His name is Tony. And I was having a very nice time with him before you turned up and ruined it."

"Ruined it?" Dean swallowed the bile coming up his throat. "Oh, I see. That's the gratitude one gets for saving an angel's ass-"

Literally! If he thought back to that sick bastard's face, he could just imagine what that son of a bitch would have liked to do with that ass. But not on Dean's watch. Hell no!

"I didn't need to be saved, Dean", Cas insisted. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

Dean just suppressed an eye roll. Bet Tony would've just loved to take care of you.

"Yeah, I could see that just fine."

"From where?" Cas' voice dipped down into a growl, the sound sending an involuntary shiver down Dean's spine.

"I'm sure you had a magnificent view from the other side of the bar with that girl's tongue down your throat."

Woah. That was a blow Dean hadn't expected. He could have sworn there was a hint of hurt peeking through the veil of anger in Cas' voice, but it was gone so fast he couldn't be sure if it had ever truly been there. Now, there was just fury staring back at him.

Dean swallowed, licked his lips.

"No need to be such a douche about it", he deflected, hating himself for lowering his eyes guiltily. There was no reason to feel guilty! He'd done nothing wrong. Wasn't like he'd be cheating on Cas or something- Wait. A. Moment. Where the fuck had that thought come from?

His attention was ripped back to Cas when the angel huffed.

"Says the person who just punched an innocent man."

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