Chapter Eleven

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To finish this story you get an especially long chapter aaand maybe a bit of possessive Cas making a reappearance as well hehe

(I put together the Enochian part and English translation of the rib carvings with this site and a tumblr post I sadly can't find the link to anymore, the first part is basically a combination of the two translations I found there, only changing angel of fire to angel of Thursday, the last sentence is basically made up by me based on guesses and what I wanted to hear haha)

Thanks to everyone who followed this story til the end, I can't believe another one's over already. One last time, I hope you like it, would love to hear your final thoughts! <3


Cas kissed him and Dean couldn't breathe, didn't care if he never could again as long as Cas just kept kissing him. To feel Cas against him brought far more relief than any oxygen in his lungs ever could.

And Cas obliged, let himself be pulled in by Dean's arms winding around his back, chests flush together, the angel's tongue chasing Dean's and hungrily exploring his mouth until Dean felt dizzy with it. He could feel Cas' hard cock pressing into his thigh, felt the little unconscious movements of Cas' hips rolling into him, the warmth of skin on skin everywhere they touched. His hands tangled in Cas' hair, mapped out the planes of his back, slid down his spine to feel the sharp cut of his hip bones, every gasp and groan that left the angel's lips another spark to fuel the fire coursing through Dean's veins.

He needed. Cas was here, naked, grinding against him, all hard lines and strong muscles, yet so freely open and vulnerable, so beautifully human.

Right here, right now, Cas was a man, with a human body just like everyone else, his skin sensitive to the touch, areas that were more responsive than others, biological reactions that responded to the right stimuli. Still, somehow, it was so much more than that. Because this was Dean touching him, and Cas touching him back, and they both knew that it could never be this good with anyone else.

Dean leaned back to look down from where he was straddling Cas' waist, needing to see, one hand splayed out over Cas' abdomen, the other on his chest, feeling the angel's rapidly pulsing heartbeat beneath his palm. Cas had his eyes closed, head thrown back with an expression of rapture painted on his face, his fingers digging into Dean's hips, and God, Dean was too young to die.

Dean had experienced arousal many times in his life, had been needy and hungry for touch, for contact. He'd thought there could be nothing more intimate than two naked bodies colliding, writhing together, chasing their pleasure. It had never been like this. Perhaps he should have expected it, but the intensity still took him by surprise, the insatiable pull between them, the almost painful need to be close, not just for sensation, not just for pleasure (and not their own, but the other's), just for the sake of closeness itself. The emotion welling up in him at the feeling of holding Cas in his arms was overwhelming in the best of ways, and Dean was sure he never knew what connection really meant until this moment, with Cas holding him like this. He was overflowing with it, every cell of his body filled until he was sure it would seep out of his pores if it could.

He'd been around quite a bit, he wouldn't deny it, he'd even experimented a little, but everything with Cas seemed new and exciting. Every little touch was fulfilling in a way he couldn't even begin to comprehend, he couldn't wait to find out what Cas would do next, every sweet and innocent touch just as good as the desperate and dirty ones. And desperate he was, his cock already painfully hard between his legs, dying for friction - yet, if Cas wanted to stop right this second, he'd be just as content with soft kisses and gentle caresses for the rest of eternity. Cas himself was the relief he sought, his presence and his love, not the impending high he was always mindlessly chasing with previous partners. Right now, that seemed more like an afterthought, just a way to share closeness and pleasure, to share himself with his angel.

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