AB; Book 1: Part 1

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Dear Diary,

Tomorrow's my first day in the Abomination Track at Hexside. As much as Beast-Keeping sounded fun, the Abomination Track leads to better opportunities for my future.

... at least that's what Father said.

I know a lot of my classmates chose their tracks based on what their friends chose. Glad I didn't have that problem. My track was chosen for me long before I was given the options.

...Plus, it's not like I had friends anyway.

Sometimes I get mad when I think about it. But father just wants what's best for me, and he knows best.

I'm going to head to bed soon. Big day tomorrow.


"Wow. Not a lot of information." Edric says.

"But now we know why we don't see grandpa anymore." Emira says. "Because he chose dad's path instead of letting dad choose on his own."

"That and because he died 10 years ago." Amity adds.

Edric rolls his eyes. "Well, now we know why we didn't go to his funeral."

"Because mom tried to challenge his will after finding out he left an inheritance for us but not her, which got all five of us uninvited?"

The twins ignore their little sister and turn to Hunter. "Keep reading." Emira says. Hunter nods, turning back to the book.


Day 1

Dear Diary,

I just came home from my first day in the Abomination track, and so much has happened!

I had Intro To Abominations first. So while everyone else stayed in the hallway before the bell to catch up with their friends, I went to my first class because I wanted to get the best seat. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

After sitting in the back by the window, I hear a voice clear their throat beside me. I look up at see a boy with dark chocolate-colored skin and emerald green eyes which seemed to sparkle in the light, but you didn't hear that from me.


"... So, Dad's first crush?" Emira asks. Everyone except for Edric and Hunter nod. "What? He didn't say that! No way he had a crush on the first day!" Edric exclaims.

Emira scoffs. "You've never been in love, and it shows." She says. Amity nods in agreement. "You don't describe someone in detail like that unless your crushing."

Luz chuckles. "You ever write about me in your diary like that?"

"Not in any diary you'll ever find."

Hunter clears his throat loudly, gaining everyone's attention as he prepares to read again.


He looked down at me and said "is this seat taken?"

I was taken back, because his voice was so beautiful. I wanted to speak, but my throat was dry. I really should've drinken that juice this morning. But I didn't want to leave him unanswered, so I shook my head. He proceeds to sit in the seat next to me.

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