AB; Book 3: Part 3

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~Two Weeks Later~

Amity lays on the couch in her home one Saturday afternoon, reading a school textbook with a paper cover of a romance novel over the binding. Then, her brother and sister stomp into the living room mid-argument, disrupting her peace. Amity sighs and closes her book, turning to the twins. "Alright, what's the issue now?" She asks rather annoyed, fixing her glasses.

"Emira called everyone over for a reading day without telling me, even after I told her that I couldn't do it today because I had plans." Edric complains. Amity raises a brow at him. "Why don't you just skip the reading party and go do what you were going to do?" She asks. Edric's eyebrow twitches. "Emira wont let me..."

"Oh, I'm sorry that I wanted to spend more quality time with my family!" Emira argues back. Amity stares at her. "So let me get this straight: YOUR definition of 'quality time with your family' is inviting more people who aren't related to us over to read our father's diary?" She snickers.

Emira stares blankly. "It's better than nothing. It's not like you two will hang out with me otherwise." She says.

"It'd be much easier to hang out with you if you actually tried to make an effort to do things we like as well! I don't like makeup, and Amity doesn't like gossiping! And it's not like we never spend time together. Amity and I hang out all the time and we always invite you to join us! But if we're not doing what you want, you don't do it! But now you want to be mad that we don't spend time with you?" Edric goes off, and Amity just lets him. "And my plans? This is the third time I've had to cancel plans because of you! People already think I'm a pushover because of you, now they probably think I'm a flake!"

"Oh calm down, Ed. It's not like you have many friends anyway." Emira says. Edric just stares at her. "That's because they all think I'm a flake!"

"Okay Ed, please use your inside voice." Amity says. "But Mittens, she-!" "Inside voice!"

Edric shuts up. "Now, deep breaths." Amity instructs. While he does that, she turns to Emira. "When is everyone getting here?" She asks. Emira shrugs. "They should be here any minute." She answers. Amity sighs. "Fine. I'll go get dressed. Ed, I'm sorry but I need you to cancel your plans. I promise I'll make it up to you later." She stands up and heads toward the hallway. Edric sighs. "Fine. I'll get the snacks ready then."

"Please and thank you~!" Amity says in a sing-song voice as she heads up the stairs to her bedroom to change.


The doorbell rings and Amity rushes to answer while Emira just sits on the couch, scrolling through Penstagram. When she opens the door, she comes face-to-face with the Emerald Entrails, including Skara. "Oh, hey guys." Amity greets, letting them in. While the others head into the living room, Skara lingers in the doorway. "Skara? You're joining us today?" She asks. Skara shakes her head. "Nah, I just came over to return your math notes." She says, reaching into her bag and giving Amity a small stack of papers. "Oh, thanks. Um... did you happen to bring that book I asked you for?" Amity asks. Skara nods quickly, pulling a black leather book out of her bag. "There you go." She hands the book to Amity, who takes it graciously. "Thank you so much! I'll give it back as soon as I'm done." She promises, but Skara shakes her head. "Go ahead and keep it. I don't really need it anymore. You'll get more use out of it than I will." Skara says. "Oh, I can't do that." Amity says. "You can, and I'd feel way better if you did. After all, if you have questions and can't get a hold of me, that'll be your best bet." Skara says. Amity sighs. "I'll keep it for a little while. But as soon as I feel like I don't need it anymore, I'll give it back. Sound good?" She suggests. Skara nods. "I can live with that."

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