♡ The End... ♡

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Today marks the last day of school before Spring Break. But today is also the day of Luz and Amity's date.

Amity and Willow stand by Amity's locker while Amity grabs her notebooks to stick in her bag.

"Are you SURE Luz will actually keep the promise?" Willow asks. "Don't get me wrong, I love Luz like a sister, but she's a big fucking idiot. She'd toss any one of us to the side for a chicken nugget."

Amity nods. "Yes, I know. But I have to try to trust her. Especially if I want to make our relationship work." She closes her locker. "Besides, she and I are going to the amusement park. There's no real way to ruin that."

"You're giving her too much credit." Willow says. "I just don't want you to get your hopes up and be let down again. Remember, this wouldn't be the first time she's broken a promise."

"I know... but I have to try. For my own sanity." Amity says. "Besides, no one ever died from placing their trust in Luz."

"Not yet, anyway." Willow says. Amity chuckles as the two walk toward the exit of the school.


One job...

Luz had ONE. JOB.

Honestly, Amity should've seen this coming. Luz had always had a hard time saying 'no' to people. But never would she have expected Luz to turn back on her promises for the sake of someone else.

But really, Amity should've been suspicious when the Twins left the house with her to 'make sure she got there safely', which is what Emira said. But that suspicion should have been solidified when they stayed with her while she waited outside the entrance of the amusement park for Luz. But no... it took Luz running up and greeting the three of them collectively for Amity to realize what was going on. And once she did, the shock and disappointment she felt was fairly evident on her face.

"Hey, what's with that look?" Luz asks. Amity hesitates, trying to find the right words. "... You promised..."

Luz starts to panic. "I know, I know. But when I told them about our date, they asked to come along and I just couldn't say no. Besides, the more the merrier, right?"

Amity couldn't help but feel the small crackling in her heart. "B-but... you promised..."

"I know, but hey. It's not like today's the end of the world. There's plenty of time for us to have our date another day. And we will, promise." Luz says, but Amity's heart only breaks further. She simply nods. "Alright... Whatever..."

Luz cheers. "Thanks, Sweet Pea. You're the best." She turns to the twins. "Come on, guys. Let's go!"

Luz and the twins rush inside, leaving Amity in the dust. She tears up, and already seems ready to break before she quickly regains her composure and runs in after them.

As much as Amity tried to stick to Luz's side, Luz and Emira were pretty much bouncing around trying to look at everything. Amity and Edric try their best to keep up, but both end up getting left behind and decide to rest for a moment to catch their breaths.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ed asks his little sister, noticing her upset demeanor. Amity nods. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seem a little down in the dumps." He presses the issue. Amity sighs. "I'm just tired. I had a lot going on at school today."

"Why didn't you cancel the date if you were tired? I'm sure Luz would've understood." Edric asks. "Because I love my girlfriend. Even if the feeling isn't mutual..."

Edric seems shocked by her words. He stammers, trying to think of a response to that. Amity continues. "All I've ever wanted was to be enough for her. But I know now that I'm not. Because if I were enough for her, you and Em wouldn't be here right now." And with that, she walks away.

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