A Normal day in Blackrock

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Ignore the fact that it doesn't have a good cover I don't have a good picture for it

Uhhh hi!! This is my first book and it's gonna suck as I've been writing for only 2 months but it's all cool 👍 

This also took like four hours to make but anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy (I do take requests so please please give me ideas I need to get better at writing)

Tips are very appreciated 

— (start)

Hyperlaser stretched as he sat on the couch. He had nodded off a while earlier and had woken up to a weird sound, most likely Subspace blowing something up with his bombs. He felt a presence behind him, glancing back and almost jumping out of fear once he saw Biograft directly behind him, holding a glass of water.

"MASTER WANTS YOU TO COME TO THE LAB AND BRING WATER" Biograft directed, placing the glass in Hyperlaser hand, patting the top of his helmet, and walking away. Hyperlaser took a good minute or two to process the interaction before standing up with a slight grunt and walking to the lab. He wondered what Subspace could want.

Hyperlaser walked up to the door, having to force it open as scrap and wires flew everywhere. Subspace, working on a large metal container, glanced at Hyperlaser before stopping and placing the tools on the table- a couple flying of with a large clatter.

"Yes! Yes- Hyperlaser, come in." Subspace waved Hyperlaser in, as Hyperlaser navigated through the extremely messy room with the water in his hands. Hyperlaser placed the water on the counter, as Subspace continued to talk about this new... Biograft armor?

Subspace wanted Hyperlaser's opinion, although it took around a good 30 minutes of nonsense to get to that part.

"So, Should we tighten the defense for less speed or the attack but less defense?" Subspace asked, as Hyperlaser paused for a second to think about it.

"Were you even listening!?" Subspace asked after a minute, his voice sounding defensive.

"Yes, Yes, I was. I'm just thinking about it." Hyperlaser responds in a smooth voice, as Subspace rolls his eyes before shrugging with both of his hands up. "Well?"

"The defense. Right now Biograft is a more of a speed-push, and it would be good to even it out." Hyperlaser said after a moment of silence as Subspace nodded slowly.

"Knew I could count on ya!"

Subspace grabbed his tools again, including the fallen ones on the floor before shooing Hyperlaser out of his lab. "Make sure to eat." Hyperlaser said, as Subspace just nodded and slightly rolled his eyes. "I know, I know."

Subspace slammed the door on Hyperlasers face, as he just shrugged and looked around for something interesting. He had finished all his missions the day before, and new ones would be arriving later tomorrow. As if a cure to his boredom, he found a book on the ground that Subspace was complaining about the day before. Hyperlaser picked it up, heading towards his personal bunker in the lab to start reading it.

Hyperlaser finally finished it. It was had some pretty interesting stuff. The book was called 'Future AU'- Where Sword traveled to the future and Subspace was this big bad villain. Seems realistic enough!

He exited the room and placed the book on a shelve, hearing Subspace's lab open with a hiss as he stumbled out of the room, rubbing his eyes. He was heading towards the kitchen. Better now then later.

Hyperlaser knew he should go to sleep due to how late it was, although a day with lounging around wouldn't do him any good. So, Hyperlaser went outside to set up some target practices, grabbing his gun and doing slight stretches. Luckily, Hyperlaser didn't have to worry about waking anyone up as Subspace would still be working in the lab after he finished eating, and Biograft... Was a Robot.

A good couple hours passed quickly, as the sun came up from beyond the horizon. Hyperlaser decided to catch some sleep before the new missions came in.

He rubbed the dew off of his boots, glancing at the clock. It was 7:00 AM, and the next orders were coming around 11. Hyperlaser couldn't wait to drown himself in coffee!

— (End)

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